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Kervran's Proof of Biological Transmutation
In orthodox chemistry, one of the strongest dogmas is the stubborn insistence that it is impossible to create another element by chemical reaction. Most chemists also insist that all reactions occurring in living systems are chemical in nature. They believe fervently that chemistry can and must explain life itself.
In the early 1960's, a French researcher named Louis Kervran published work which flew directly in the face of the accepted chemistry dogma. Kervran reported the astounding results of his research showing that living plants were able to accomplish limited transmutation of elements. Kervran was then the Conferences Director at the University of Paris, and his first paper was published in La Revue Generale Des Sciences, July 1960.
What was so revolutionary was that, according to the prevailing wisdom of science, you can't transmute elements (permanently change the nucleus) except with enormous energy - certainly not with the microvolts and millivolts (and microwatts and milliwatts) that living systems can muster electromagnetically.*
Rutherford, the British physicist who discovered the nucleus of the atom, had shown in 1919 that you can bombard elements with alpha particles and transmute them. The accepted wisdom of today is exactly the same, except that the physicists have used heavier and heavier "bullets" in their artillery approach. No one has tried a controlled approach, for the catechism is that you have to use the wham it harder! approach.
In other words, to most scientists the whole thing had to be preposterous, and Kervran had to be deluded.
Kervran published further details of his work in a book, Transmutations Biologiques, Maloine, Paris 1962. But the initial reaction of most scientists was

*Note, however, that since gravity is infolded EM, one can have extremely powerful infolded EM, yet only have miniscule electrical (outfolded) residues. Thus the actual "available power" in artificial biopotentials may not be quite so small after all.

was disbelief and skepticism. Few scientists would stoop to repeating Kervran's experiments, which of course they knew could not work anyway.
Actually the effect is widespread amongst living systems. As Kervran pointed out, the ground in Brittany contained no calcium; however, every day a hen would lay a perfectly normal egg, with a perfectly normal shell containing calcium. The hens do eagerly peck mica from the soil, and mica contains potassium - a single step below calcium in the standard table of elements. It appears that the hens may transmute some of the potassium to calcium.
Further, if one tests this assumption, it is quickly shown to be true. Hens denied calcium but not potassium, stay perfectly healthy and lay perfectly normal eggs. Hens denied both potassium and calcium will be sickly and lay only soft-shelled eggs. If these sick chickens are allowed to peck only mica - which they will frantically do - everything returns to normal again.
Most orthodox scientists nevertheless remained skeptical or downright hostile.
However, a few other scientists began to repeat Kervran's experiments and

Figure 72. The Kervan effect. A biosystem can accomplish limited transmutation of

replicate his results. Several of these corroborating scientists were (1) Professor Hisatoki Komaki, Chief of the Laboratory of Applied Microbiology at a leading Japanese university, (2) Professor Pierre Baranger, Head of the Laboratory of Chemi-
cal Biology of the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, and (3) J.E. Zundel, then head of a paper company with a chemical analysis laboratory, and later a chemical engineer of the Polytechicum School of Zurich, Switzerland.
Later work by Zundel was particularly decisive: he utilized the mass spectrometer at the Microanalysis Laboratory of the French National Scientific Research Center, and neutron activation mass analysis at the Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research in Villigen to positively confirm an increase in calcium of 61% to an accuracy of 2%. Such results and instrumentation, of course, removed any doubt that the effect could be due to statistical variation. In the same experiments, the plants increased their phosphorus 29% and their sulphur 36%.
Komaki became head of a research laboratory at Matsushita Electric Company. There he conducted research conclusively proving that microorganisms (including some bacteria and two kinds each of molds and yeast) could transmute sodium into potassium. In fact, he placed a brewer's yeast product on the market that, when applied to composts, increases their potassium content.
Extensive work in the area has been done in the Soviet Union, where results similar to Kervran's have been substantiated.
Thus all doubt (to an open-minded scientist) was removed: living systems are able to change one element into another by some unknown means, using very feeble energy.
A noted French physicist, O Costa De Beauregard, suggested a mechanism for the transmutations, using weak force interactions and advanced waves.
No one - even Kervran himself - thought of negative energy/ negative time interactions. The jury is still out on the actual mechanism, but it is absolutely clear that the transmutation does indeed occur .
The Japanese researchers, having replicated Kervran's astounding results to their complete satisfaction, recommended him to the Nobel Committee for a Nobel Prize for such epochal work. Thus Kervran became a Nobel nominee, though he was not granted the prize.
Kervran has since passed away, leaving behind his books and papers that point to a revolution in chemistry and physics - transmutation of elements at very weak energy.

Biological Transmutation Has a History
Actually biological transmutation - and transmutation of elements (alchemy) in general - has a history, of both results and suppression.
Louis Nicolas Vauquelin, a celebrated French chemist, discovered that chickens could produce more calcium in their eggshells than entered their bodies. Hence they had to be able to "create" the calcium, else their own bodies would have been completely depleted.
One of his contemporaries, however - Antoine Laurent Lavoisier - became the "father of chemistry ." Lavoisier laid down the dictum that nothing was created. So chemistry fixed upon the notion that the combinations of elements could be shifted, but the element itself could not be transformed.
Not until the discovery of radioactivity did any crack in this solid wall appear. But still, the basic ideas of chemistry said the element couldn't be transformed chemically. It could only be transformed if one blasted the daylights out of it with an atomic or particle bullet.
Today most chemists still hold that exact same opinion, unshaken.
To resume: Over a century ago, a chemist named Albrecht von Herzeele proved that germinating seeds somehow transmuted elements in the process. In 1873 von Herzeele published a book, The Origin of Inorganic Substances, where he showed research proving that plants continuously create material elements.
Even earlier, in 1822 an Englishman named William Prout had studied chicken eggs in incubation. He found that hatched chicks had more lime (calcium) in their bodies than was originally present in the egg!
Another French scientist named Henri Spindler discovered that a kind of algae called Laminaria could create iodine.
A German researcher named Vogel had planted cress seeds in a bell jar. They were fed nothing but distilled water; still, when grown they contained more sulphur than had been in the seeds originally.
Lawes and Gilbert, two British researchers, also found that plants could "extract" more elements from the soil than the soil actually contained in the first place.
Baranger performed thousands of meticulous experiments in plant transmutation of elements. He proved that the transmutations do occur. He also discovered that many things affected the germinating seed transmutation process: the time the seeds germi-
nate, the type of light they are exposed to, the phase of the moon, etc.
None of these experimenters understood the transmutation process used by the living organism. But they proved beyond question that the process existed, and universally occurred.

Surplus-of-Energy Mechanisms Proposed by the U.S. Army
There has also been other very positive support for the thesis that if living systems transmute elements, they can produce a net source of energy in the process.
In 1978 an officially-funded effort of the U .S. Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Command, Fort Belvoir, Virginia positively confirmed that mechanisms for elemental transmutations could occur in biological systems, from an energy consideration.
The work was performed under the direction of Emil J. York, Chief of the Material Technology Laboratory. Solomon Goldfein was the principal investigator for the effort. Robert C. McMillan, Chief of the Radiation Research Group of the laboratory, provided guidance on matters of physics and nuclear physics.
The abstract of the final report (S. Goldfein, Report 2247, Energy Development from Elemental Transmutations in Biological Systems, U .S. Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Command, May 1978. DDC No. AD AO56906.) reads as follows:

"The purpose of the study was to determine whether recent disclosures of elemental transmutations occurring in biological entities have revealed new possible sources of energy. The works of Kervran, Komaki, and others were surveyed, and it was concluded that, granted the existence of such transmutations (Na to Mg, K to Ca, and Mn to Fe), then a net surplus of energy was also produced. A proposed mechanism was described in which Mg adenosine triphosphate, located in the mitochondrion of the cell, played a double role as an energy producer. In addition to the widely accepted biochemical role of MgATP in which it produces energy as it disintegrates part by part, MgATP can also be considered to be a cyclotron on a molecular scale. The MgATP when placed in layers one atop the other has all the attributes of a cyclotron in accordance with the requirements set forth by E.O. Lawrence, inventor of the cyclotron. "
"It was concluded that elemental transmutations were indeed occurring in life organisms and were probably accompanied by a net energy gain."

The researchers also concluded that elemental transmutations occurring in life organisms are accompanied by losses in mass representing conversion to thermal energy, and that such energy probably is a net gain when compared to the amount required to effect the transmutation.
All in all, they concluded that the little cell with its feeble energy does quite well! It's in control of cyclotrons, and cyclotron forces, and direct conversion of mass to energy. Pretty good for a little bitty beastie, wouldn't you say?
Actually, one should point out that, according to nuclear physics, an atom gets a little heavier when it absorbs {usually by means of an orbital electron) a normal "positive energy" photon. That is, the addition of positive energy results in the addition of a little bit of "positive mass."
Negative energy, of course, does a similar thing to the nucleus - except that it adds "negative mass." Thus the nucleus of the atom, when it absorbs negative energy, gets lighter. This is seen in the external world as "loss of mass."
With our present nuclear physics, only positive energy is assumed except in extremely rare cases.
Thus the Army study - which was conducted and controlled by some excellent scientists - worked out a "loss of mass" the way they're trained to.
By adding some positive energy, the nucleus would gain some positive mass. By adding some negative energy, the nucleus would lose some corresponding positive mass. The conventional physics then would equate this "loss of mass" as the direct conversion of mass to energy. And so it is, only it's conversion to negative energy!
However, by pointing out the cyclotron mechanism in the cell MgATP, the Army researchers have made a most important contribution.
Note also that the whirling motion may be very much related to Viktor Schauberger's work and to Wilhelm Reich's work. Both of them worked with what they viewed as an unusual kind of living, spiraling energy .
All the orbital electrons of an atom also are whirling around in orbit, in the simplest model. Further, these orbits themselves move and rotate or precess.
Similar orbits and shells occur in the nucleus, at least in some models (several rather independent models are used there for specific things.)
It may be that a whirling, spiraling (cyclotron) energy motion is necessary to connect positive energy to orbital electron (negative charge) shells, and to connect negative energy to positive charge shells in the atomic nucleus.*

Alchemy and Unusual Critters
In ancient times, the old alchemists pursued the dream of making gold. Obviously, if one could do that economically, one could become quite wealthy.
Just as obviously, the kings and rulers of the world took rather a dim view of such proceedings. After all, much of their own power rested on their ability to get and control gold. And if some "loose cannon" could make all the gold anyone wanted, then the national treasury of the king wouldn't be worth a plugged nickel. And that would finish the king, for he would be powerless.

* The spinning/whirling motion may be viewed as integrating the unzipped vacuum flux virtual vectors into zipped observable force vectors - just as great grandma's spinning wheel integrated fibers into continuous threads.

There are some unorthodox researchers today who take the view that the alchemists were stamped out - not because they failed, but because they succeeded.
I subscribe to the same view.
T .H. Moray had a process to "recover finely divided gold from quartzite sands." My personal, strong belief is that he possessed a practical transmutation process. His knowledge and techniques, of course, are still possessed by his sons, and reside through them in Cosray Research Institute, Salt Lake City, Utah.
The possession of such a technical secret may be one of the major reasons why the Morays have met with such intrigue, harassment, and suppression over the years.
To speak further on "making gold," we first have to present some details on some special "critters" that live, but that can't be observed through a normal microscope - even an electron microscope.
In that vein, toward the end of this chapter, we will present some of Royal R. Rife's fundamental discoveries. Pay particular attention to his discovery of "finer" living forms - which today we could only refer to as "living energy, virtual-state forms."
Let's call them critters for short.
At one time, when the earth was young and the radiation from the sun was different, conditions on earth were much hotter. Great volcanic activity and fiery eruptions were commonplace and nearly continuous. Huge storms, of size and magnitude undreamed of today, swept the primitive atmosphere. The oceans were frenzied.
Under those conditions, many types of "critters" were highly active. Most of the critters, for example, lived in and worked on the atomic nuclei of matter.
After all, the critters are living, virtual-state organisms. There's a continual exchange between the virtual state (the vacuum, or spacetime) and mass (the observable state). An atomic nucleus is like an island in the "virtual state ocean", and the flux interchange is like waves breaking onto the island and then washing back to sea. The critters live in that ocean, and wash upon, so-to-speak, the mass-islands and interact with them.
In those primal days, many of the present great mineral deposits of the earth were created due to the transmutation activities of the critters.
One kind, for example, lived in copper. In an "energetics" sense, this critter "ate" copper and "excreted" gold, so-to-speak. Much of the gold that occurs in great copper deposits today was formed this way in the old days under primal conditions.
When conditions on earth changed, these little "copper critters" ceased their incessant activity and became dormant, just as viruses can do. But the critters are still there in the copper ore, waiting to be activated.
Arid activate them you can! You can even get the critters into a solution, and then crystallize them out as crystals.
These crystals are what the alchemists of old called the philosopher's stone, with the power to transmute base elements into gold. There are several kinds of philosopher's stones; this kind is for copper.
At any rate, you can then place these special crystals on some copper (and add another thing or two), and restore them to a similar primal environment as of old. That is, heat them in an electric furnace. Blast them with terrible electrical bolts. Bathe them in intense ultraviolet light. That's just a nice, refreshing spring day for the critters!*
That stimulates them and revives them. They wake up after a long sleep - and they're immediately "hungry ." So they go right to work on the copper. Boom! In a little bit there isn't any more copper, just mostly gold, with a little other miscellaneous residue thrown in, such as black ruby and silver (in the experiments of one of my close colleagues).
The gold is radioactive when first made. Fortunately, all isotopes of gold are very short-lived: just minutes suffice for the radioactivity to die away. So you wait half an hour and everything's okay.
That's all there is to it.
Arid if you do that and try to capitalize upon it, your life expectancy is about 24 hours.
I don't know whether or not biological systems, in their Kervran-transmutations at weak energy, deliberately manipulate similar "critters". I suspect, however, that they do, at least to some extent.

* Note the probable similar effects involved in the Miller-Fox-Urey experiments in biogenesis.

The Cell Also Lives and Functions in the Virtual State
Obviously, to transmute elements the living system has to be able to directly affect and influence the atomic nucleus.
It has been shown that this is a cellular capability, for single-celled organisms can do it.
As we shall see, Rife's work showed that the living cell is connected to at least 16 internested deeper levels of reality than a relative "point" under an ordinary microscope. Further, all levels are structured and organized.
Think of it! Each one of those levels is to the preceding level as microscopy today is to the normal world. Sixteen levels!
I think it's reasonable to state that the life of the cell is patterned and dynamically structured and functioning all the way into the virtual state; indeed, to very deep internested levels of the virtual state. That is, it also functions hyperspatially.
We shall also see that the mind and thought involve these more subtle physical (though virtual) levels.
Thus the living virtual-state levels are a reality, for Rife proved it.
The living organized structures at each level are a reality, for Rife proved it.
The living ordering and control of dynamic functions on all those levels is a reality, for Rife proved it.
Those living virtual-level parts of the living organism - plant or animal - thus affect, function in, and reside in the atomic nuclei of the material that composes its bodily structures.
Beasties like bacteria and viruses also have living, organized energy structures in multiple levels of virtual state. Apparently, for these more primitive life forms, the virtual-state "energy part" can be separated and pass through a filter, then re-engender the physical form and/or itself cause the disease in a host! At least that is what Rife and other scientists showed.
"Bigger fleas have smaller fleas to bite 'em, And so on, ad infinitum. "
Of course the living system can "work on" the nucleus and change it a little bit! If it couldn't do so, it couldn't stay alive and function in there in the first place!

The Kaznacheyev Experiments
Dr. Vlail Kaznacheyev is Director of the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Novosibirsk.
For 20 years he has been directing highly unusual experiments with twin cell cultures. These experiments are vital to understanding disease and healing on a more fundamental basis than is presently utilized by orthodox medical science.
The Kaznacheyev experiments (several thousand) in the Soviet Union proved conclusively that any cellular disease or death pattern can be transmitted electromagnetically, and induced in target cells absorbing the radiation.
In the experiments, two sealed containers were placed side by side, with a thin optical window separating them. The two containers were completely environmentally shielded except for the optical coupling.
A tissue was separated into two identical samples, and one sample placed in each of the two halves of the apparatus.
The cells in one sample (on one side of the glass) were then subjected to a deleterious agent - a selected virus, bacterial infection, chemical poison, nuclear radiation, deadly ultraviolet radiation, etc. This led to disease and death of the exposed/infected cell culture sample.
If the thin optical window was made of ordinary window glass, the uninfected cells on the other side of the window were undamaged and remained healthy. This of course was as expected in the orthodox medical view.
However, if the thin optical window was made of quartz, a most unexpected thing happened. Some time (usually about 12 hours) after the disease appeared in the infected sample, the same features of disease appeared in the uninfected sample.
This startling "infection by optical coupling" occurred in a substantial percentage of the tests (70 to 80 percent). From an orthodox medical view, these results were unexpected and unheard of.
Further, if the originally uninfected cells were in optical contact with the infected

cells for 18-20 hours or so, and then were correspondingly exposed (optically coupled) to another uninfected cell sample, symptoms of the infection appeared in this third sample an appreciable portion of the time (20 to 30 percent).
Guided by A.G. Gurvitsch's work that showed that cells give off mitogenetic radiation (photons) that can affect other cells, the Kaznacheyev team sought an answer by looking for photons given off by the infected culture sample as its cells died.
They found that the cells in the infected culture gave off photons in the near ultraviolet when they died. The normal window glass was opaque to these near-UV photons and absorbed them. In that case, the uninfected culture on the other side of the glass was not exposed to radiation by the UV "death" photons from the dying cells, and they remained serenely healthy.
However, the quartz window was transparent to the UV "death photons". When the quartz window was installed, the UV "death photons" passed through it and were absorbed in the uninfected culture on the other side of the window. Most of the time, the uninfected culture which absorbed "death photons" sickened and died with the same disease symptoms.
The Kaznacheyev experiments proved conclusively that cellular death and disease patterns can be transmitted and induced electromagnetically.*

*We point out that this effect has been investigated in both the infrared and ultraviolet. IR to UV may be taken as a single harmonic interval - an octave, musically speaking. The same effect can be reproduced in any other "octave" (single harmonic interval) of the electromagnetic frequency spectrum. The reversal of the effect can also be achieved in any harmonic interval. The mechanism for these effects involves the cellular biopotential, Popp's master cellular control system, and the deterministically-tailored substructure of photons.

Structuring and Charging a Biopotential
Kaznacheyev thus demonstrated that a photon information/ regulatory system exists in biological systems due to a continual influx of EM energy from outside the system. That is, the cells of the biosystem are charged with an electromagnetic potential, and additions and changes to the potential are continually received. The cell is thus in minute disequilibrium.
Usually the myriad of continual inputs from the external environment into the cell's potential charge pattern (in its atomic nuclei) may be taken to be potential changes whose substructures are disordered. In that case, no specific environmental effect is observed except slight fluctuations without order - a miniscule form of "heating."
However, if a continual ordered substructure exists in the input from the external environment into the cell's potential, the cell's potential will gradually "charge up" with that pattern.
An analogy will prove helpful. Imagine an accumulator, a large pot, that holds a volume of water. Several pipes are connected to the pot, some are inputs for water coming in, and some are outputs for water flowing in.
Imagine the inputs all containing "blue" water, just in slightly varying shades. The water in the pot is blue, and may slightly rise and fall in level as the input flow rates vary. The water in the pot may also vary slightly in its blueness as the inputs vary. However, it will still be blue.
Now suppose that yellow water starts flowing through one of the input pipes, and at a goodly rate. Slowly the water in the pot will start to turn greenish as a greater percentage of yellow builds up. In other words, the pot slowly charges up with some of the "yellow" charge, in the process acquiring a "green" charge.
The biopotential in the cell experiments works the same way.
A cell has a biopotential built up, which represents the "nominal equilibrium" of the scalar charge on the cell. This biopotential, being mostly a "sum-zero" of virtual state vectors, is centered in and on the atomic nuclei of the cell, constituting charge patterns in these atomic nuclei. The biopotential extends out of the atomic nuclei, through the electron shells, into and through the molecules, through the internal cell structures and membrane, and outside the cell.
From the atomic nucleus on out through the cell, every layered structure or organization of the cell will layer, structure, and.organize the biopotential accordingly.
This organized, structured cellular biopotential is continually receiving "charge patterns" contained in incoming photons absorbed by the cell. The biopotential is also continually exhausting some of its biopotential charge pattern in the photons (heat, light, etc.) that the cell emits.

The Cell's Electromagnetic Breathing
Via structured photon exchange, the biopotential of the living cell thus "breathes in" the virtual state charge structure of its environment, and "breathes out" its own internal virtual state charge structure.
So, in the experiment, the uninfected cells are continually absorbing photons from their surrounding environment, and emitting photons back to it as well. According to our scalar EM view, each photon it absorbs has a substructure that depends upon the part of the environment from whence it came.
These "substructures" are actually patterns of the sum-zeroed virtual vectors comprising the potential of the absorbed photon carriers.
Normally, since a large number of very different substructures are continually being "input" into the cell's potential from the absorbed photons, the substructure of the cell's potential receives an essentially disorganized continual input from the environment. This equates to the fact that the environment does not normally specifically influence or change the cell's potential with ordered information (organization).*

*There may be sufficient ordered input from the environment, however, to have something to do with territoriality in living things, salmon returning to a fixed place to spawn, turtles returning to the same beach to lay eggs, the migration of birds, etc.

When a cell dies, it ceases to maintain the bio-dynamics that sustained its artificial potential (that part due to bio-ordering by its organized life processes, above the background level of its "inert matter" potential). The dead cell's built-up artificial potential then "discharges" by emitting a structured photon.**
Since this photon (energy) comes from an organized potential drop, the virtual substructure of the emitted photon is organized. The photon, then - among other things - carries the exact organized virtual charge pattern of the dying cell's disease.
We strongly insist on the quantum mechanical view here: All physical changes - chemical, material, mechanical, whatever -at root level are constituted and caused by virtual state interactions, in direct patterns of virtual particle exchanges.
In the full QM view, what's really going on in primary physical reality is just a complex set of patterns and changes in potentials anyway.

The Summed Virtual Structures of Kaznacheyev's
"Death Photons" Physically Kindle the Disease
At any rate, the Kaznacheyev experiments showed that the dying cells from the infected culture emitted photons in the near UV that contained artificial (structured) potentials. The virtual-state, patterned-substructures in this photon flux directly represented the cellular disease pattern caused by the original cell's specific infection.
In other words, as the infected cells died, they emitted "death photons" which contained the template pattern of their death condition.
When these "death photons" are absorbed into uninfected cells, their deterministic substructures gradually diffuse into the cell's bio-potentials. Gradually the biopotentials of the new cells are "charged up" with the integrated pattern of the disease.

**Note that this photon is emitted from an atomic nucleus. Hence it is a phase conjugate (time-reversed) photon. It will interact with the biopotential of targeted cells, and thus reach their own atomic nuclei. This is the mechanism for Kaznacheyev's cytopathogenic effect.
See particularly C.W. Rietdijk, Found. Phy., 7(5-6), Jun. 77, p. 351.









Popp, "Photon Storage in Biological Systems,"
Electromagnetic Bio-Information,1979

The master cellular control system of the biosystem is itself a dynamically changing, ordered pattern in the biopotential of the cells, which is centered in the atomic nuclei comprising the cell materials. As the bio-potentials of the cells gradually acquire the "death photon's" substructure pattern, this pattern is also diffused throughout (modulates) the master cellular control system. All the cells in the sample (or in a biosystem) are now slowly charging up with the "death photon" pattern.
As Popp discovered, photons continually "leak out" of the virtual photon master control system of the biosystem. Some of these leakage photons are observable photons, but most are virtual photons.
Further, they are structured photons.
In other words, as leakage photons spill out of the master control system, observable change is now being slowly initiated in the physical structures, biochemistry, etc. of the biosystem's cells - and these changes are in consonance with the integrated "cellular death pattern" of the originally infected cells.
Note particularly that it is already well-known in quantum mechanics/electrodynamics that, when a photon is emitted from the surface of a dielectric body, the entire dielectric body participates in that emission. If a photon is absorbed on the surface of the dielectric body, the entire dielectric body participates in that absorption.
Thus as irradiation by the "death photons" continues, the "death structure" in the irradiated cells increases. It is spread throughout the cell culture by the master communication system, gradually charging the virtual state structure of that system with the death pattern.
Spillage photons from the cellular control system occur throughout the culture. These photons are structured with the death pattern, and gradually affect the cell and its biochemistry physically. The previously uninfected cells thus physically start to acquire and exhibit the symptoms and characteristics of the disease pattern that killed the infected cells.
Electromagnetic Infection Results in Physical Disease
The new cells are now electromagnetically infected and physically diseased.
After all, that is all a cellular disease is in the first place - physical, electrical, and biochemical changes in the normal functioning of the cell.
For a given pattern of changes in the cells, a specific "disease" exists in them.
It absolutely does not matter what causes this exact pattern. If the specific physical pattern is there, the specific disease is there.
Note that any ghost pattern in the virtual state flux can charge up physical matter - that is, the atomic nuclei of a mass. All that is necessary is that a continual flux of this virtual pattern continually bathe (irradiate) the mass's atomic nuclei.
The eventual emergence of this "ghost template pattern" into observable physical reality is called kindling. Kindling is charging up one or more atomic nuclei with an integrated virtual charge pattern until the integrated pattern breaches the quantum threshold, resulting in emergence of that pattern into observable physical change.

A Possible Cure for AIDS
One of the things going for the "good guys" and EM defense against AIDS is that cells are a lot tougher than viruses. Thus even non-structured EM signals can be used to effect cures in many disease cases.
In fact, ordinary ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of the blood has already been utilized to cure or control severe infections, including severe viral infections. I am indebted to Dr. William C. Douglass for pointing this out to me, and for permission to reproduce the following information from his important newsletter, The Cutting Edge, Nov. 1987, p. 3. The following material is quoted verbatim, with no editing.
"It's amazing what you can find by nosing around in the dusty archives of a good medical library. I came across another remarkable therapy that the AMA and drug industry (or whoever is in charge of suppressing non-toxic treatments that work) have shoved down the memory hole."
"Back in 1933, Doctors Hancock and Knott treated a patient dying of septicemia (blood poisoning) with ultraviolet irradiation of the blood.l The patient was moribund with a blood stream infection and obviously near death. (Remember that this was before antibiotics and there was nothing to lose.) The patient made a complete and uneventful recovery ."
"Searching further, I found that in 1928 a similar terminal infection was treated by ultraviolet light to the blood. This patient also made a complete recovery.2 "
"So in 1928, practically in the middle ages, an incurable disease, blood stream infection, was cured with ultraviolet light. With such a breakthrough why wasn't it tried again for 5 years? According to the record, another 6 years passed before it was tried for a third time.3"
"Back in those days infection was the number one cause of death. You can't help but wonder how many lives could have been saved if doctors weren't so resistant to new ideas. Just imagine a cure for AIDS being set aside for 11 years. Yet bacterial infections of the blood were uniformly fatal in 1935, just like AIDS is today."

1 Northwest Medicine, 33:200, 1934.
2 Knott, AM. J. Surg., Aug. 1948, pp. 165-171.
3 Am. J. Med. Sci., 197:873, 1939.

"Finally, in 1940, 110 cases treated with ultraviolet spectral energy were reported. The results were uniformly good. Between 1940 and 1948 many other conditions were successfully treated, including vein inflammation (phlebitis), polio and asthma. Up to the late 40's over 40 thousand treatments were given with ultraviolet blood irradiation."
"And now for the most interesting part. In 1947, Dr. G .P. Miley reported on 79 cases of virus infection.4 Miley stated that ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy could be relied upon consistently to control an infection of a virus in a safe and efficient manner.5"
"AIDS is a virus. AIDS-II is a virus (the HTLV-IV leukemia and lymphoma now sweeping the world). Remember that these killer viruses are within the cell and any chemical agent that enters the cell to kill the virus will often kill the cell as well. But ultraviolet irradiation kills the virus without harming the cell."
" A fine piece of crystal can be shattered by exposing it to just the right frequency. You can be standing in the room and the energy from that frequency won't harm you in the least. Viruses have the same characteristics, and so, in my opinion, frequency irradiation of the blood in the ultraviolet range is our greatest hope for curing AIDS."
"But the treatment is simple, safe, inexpensive and unpatentable. That doesn't bode well for its future, at least until a few senators get AIDS."

4 Rev. Gastroenterol. 15 271-277, 1948.
5 Am. J. Surgery, Aug. 1948, pp. 170.

The Mirror Cytopathogenic Effect and Factors Influencing It
The cellular disease induction effect was called the mirror cytopathogenic effect (CPE for short) by the Kaznacheyev group. Mirror CPE appeared only when the quartz or mica window was no thicker than 0.8 mm. A. F. Kirkin also duplicated the experiments using a thin plexiglas window.
There are conditions which enhance the effect, and others which inhibit or degrade it. Irradiation of the detector-culture with a low dose of UV prior to its optical contact enhances the effect, increasing it to certainty (99-100% ). Increasing the temperature to 38.5 degrees centigrade also enhances the effect (from 37% to 90% for example).*

*This is very important. Preconditioning the cells by "dithering" them in the frequency band of interest, or in a subharmonic band, "livens" the cells for developing the irradiated pattern. This is similar to a dither voltage placed on a missile fin, making it much easier and quicker for the fin to move when an actual order is placed on it.

A necessary condition for the success of the experiment is the rotation of the holder with its two optically-coupled samples at a rate of about 24-25 revolutions per hour. Optical contact between the inductor and detector cells for a minimum of 4-6 hours is necessary, after which the cell cultures can be separated. A longer contact time is necessary for complete development of the irreversible effect.
Both cultures must be maintained in complete darkness throughout the experiment. Use of the detector as a new inductor in a successive state reduces the effect by 20-30%. Three or four such stages is sufficient to eliminate the effect.
There is a seasonal variation in the results. In more than 15,000 experiments, monthly variations and daily variations were noted. (The present author's interpretation of this is that it is due to the monthly variations in the virtual photon substructure input from the moon to the substructure of the cell's bio-potential. The daily variation is due to the daily variations in the virtual photon substructure input from the sun to the substructure of the cell's bio-potential.)
Negative results appear more often in winter. (The present author's interpretation of this is that it is due to the fact that the scalar potentials of the earth and the biopotentials of each living cell on earth are lowered in winter by the weaker flux from the sun.)
Effects are correlated with the polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field. Negative polarity of the field usually precedes the appearance of mirror CPE. (This is because of the positive nuclei - which prefer one direction of the magnetic field over another). Disturbance of the geomagnetic field several days before a culture planting also results in enhancing the mirror CPE effect. (Disturbing the geomagnetic field provides a "dithering magnetic disturbance" in the atomic nuclei which "livens" them. Consequently their readiness to charge-up and emit structured virtual state charges is increased).
Kaznacheyev further discovered that the Sun's activity and the Earth's magnetic field greatly affected the results of his experiments. Large flashes on the sun seem to inhibit the effect. (Such flashes cause substantially increased irradiation of the atomic nuclei by sun-emitted substructures, charging them mostly with this disordered substructure pattern and literally "burying" the disease structure several decibels below it.) In a season of active sunspots, the mirror CPE effect becomes highly unstable. (The sun emissions are sporadically jamming the effect.) Under active sun conditions, the effect varies from 90-100% on some days to complete absence on others.

Some Biological Warfare Implications
The Soviets reported detecting near-ultraviolet photons - bio- luminescence - as carriers of the death/disease pattern.
However, scientists at the University of Marburg in West Germany also duplicated the effect in the infrared. This shows that bioluminescent photons in the near UV and in the IR can definitely carry "disease and death" information between cells. Further, integrating a continuing input of such photons coherently integrates the disease or death pattern from the virtual state into the observable state.
Note also that portions of the infrared spectrum are a subharmonic of the near ultraviolet. Harmonics are well-known in nonlinear oscillator theory, and biological systems are filled with nonlinear oscillators. It may be that harmonics and subharmonics are directly involved in the death pattern.
If so, the induction of such "death patterns" upon normal electromagnetic carriers is directly indicated. For example, modulations covering several octaves in the region of 10 gigahertz and above might be constructed that are the analogues of some particular cellular disease. This modulation pattern could then be added to a common microwave carrier - say in the communication band, from 3 to 30 megahertz. Say, that is, to something like the giant Soviet Woodpecker "over-the-horizon radar" signals as carriers.
In that case, a large population could be bombarded, even on the other side of the earth, with "death photons" whose virtual state substructures carry the particular disease pattern. With sufficient time, many of the targeted persons would develop the disease.
Note that, even if the power and/or irradiation time is reduced so that the absorbed "death photons" are insufficient to actually kindle the disease in the targeted population, a heightened change in the substructure of the biopotentials of the cells of the targeted persons is still accomplished.
In that case, a precursor pattern - a predisposition for that disease - exists in the targeted persons.
If the actual disease agent is now loosed on that population, the agent will be far more infectious and lethal than it otherwise would.
In this way, even diseases which normally do not kill or seriously debilitate the infected person can suddenly become very lethal agents indeed.
Influenza, the common cold, etc. can become devastating killers if the exposed population has been electromagnetically "pre-conditioned" for enhanced susceptibility.

What Kaznacheyev Hid: The Role of Phase Conjugation
If cellular disease can be electromagnetically induced, can it not be electromagnetically corrected or healed?
If one could time-reverse the exact signal structure (the information) that kindled the effect, and bombard the diseased cells with that reversed pattern, would not the cell deviate back to "normal" and be healed?
The burning question as to whether cellular disease conditions can be corrected by time-reversed disease signals must certainly have occurred to the Soviet experimenters.
It is highly significant that they did not openly publish those results.*
As we have explained in the sections on phase conjugation and scalar electromagnetics, there are really two major kinds of photons:

* Recent information indicates the strong connection of Kaznacheyev with the Institute of Physiology and Biophysics and the Frank Institute in Pushkino, just outside Moscow. Since these institutes are deeply involved in microwave and coherent microwave "directed energy" weapons, it is highly probable that the Soviets are applying Kaznacheyev's "death photons" to microwave weapons -- such as the Woodpecker transmitters. If so, obviously they would develop phase conjugate countermeasure signals as well.

(1) the "normal" photon carries positive energy and positive time. (2) the "time reversed" or phase conjugate photon carries negative energy and negative time.
Further, the Soviets certainly knew all about phase conjugate signals. After all, they discovered and developed the effect. We discovered it only from the open Soviet scientific literature!
Let us assume that the "death photons" in the mitogenetic radiation emitted by the dying cells are ordinary photons. Their virtual state structures (in positive observer time) are exact "templates" for the disease pattern.
Now suppose we detect the "death photons" with a phase conjugator, which by definition will produce a time-reversed counterpart to the input signal detected. In other words, the death photons are allowed to strike a phase conjugate mirror (PCM). Time-reversed counterpart photons - carrying the exact time-reversed template of the death pattern - will be created and emitted by the PCM.
These newly emitted photons now carry the exact "healing pattern" for that specific "death/disease pattern that was received and detected."
Further, if we "pump" the phase conjugate mirror, we can greatly amplify the output pattern, and hence greatly increase the healing pattern!
If one records the pattern of the "death photons" for a specific disease, one could of course modulate that pattern upon ordinary photons/signals - such as the Woodpecker signals - and accomplish disease induction or precursor conditioning.
By phase conjugating the pattern of the "death photons," one can produce an exact antidote. One can modulate this specific healing pattern upon ordinary photons/signals - such as the Woodpecker signals - and accomplish healing induction for that specific disease.
In other words, one can create the healing pattern - the antidote, if you will, for any biological warfare agent. Cancer, leukemia, AIDS, viral diseases, bacterial diseases, whatever. One can create the antidote within minutes after the first symptoms of the disease or death pattern appear.
One can then simply add the negating (healing) signal to power line signals, television and radio signals, special transmitters, etc. - and immediately start to "administer the antidote" to the irradiated population one wishes to protect. Now one can see why the Soviets are so ready to expose the entire world to something like AIDS. It doesn't represent a real problem to them, the instant they decide to negate it.
So they can devastate the rest of the world, with the assurance that their population is safe.
They can allow some of their own people to develop AIDS - and even some to die of it - as a deception plan to delude the West while Western populations are succumbing en masse.
Then they can snatch their own population right back to health, from "the brink of the grave," so to speak.
Our government must immediately develop the same capability. It is straightforward. As weapons and counterweapons go, it is enormously cheap. It can be immediately and widely implemented. And it can protect our population against AIDS or any other biological warfare strike by the Soviet Union.
We can save our people from the AIDS knockout already un- leashed upon us by the Soviet Union.

First let us do that. Then let us negotiate.

Remember this: You can negotiate with the Russians only from a position of strength. If you are weak, they will bury you.
If we do not immediately develop this biological warfare counter- measure, we are already as good as dead.

Popp's Master Cellular Communication System
Dr. Fritz Albert Popp has already discovered and pointed out the "virtual state" master communication system that controls all cells in the body, and all their functions.
Based on a thesis derived to best fit experimental results by Ruth and others, Popp postulates that biological systems generally have the capacity to store coherent photons that come from the external world.
In other words, the biosystem is open to environmental communication and exchange.

He has shown that the cell population is in a quasistationary state that is far away from thermodynamic equilibrium, as pointed out by Ilya Prigogine.
Popp also concludes from his analysis that ultraweak photon emission within biological systems can influence chemical reactivity. In fact, his analysis strongly implies that "ultraweak" photon intensity can regulate the whole cell metabolism and related phenomena.
The cell takes up photons from external radiation. This includes both "observable" photons and "virtual" photons. Since it stores virtual photons, it stores charge, or biopotential changes. Since its stored virtual photons may be coherent virtual photons, it effectively "polarizes" or structures its stored photon charge, hence its biopotential.
The cell emits "spillage" photons - both coherent and incoherent - from its stored potential.
Although Popp only uses conventional "unstructured" photons in his analysis, he shows that, at the molecular level, there is a stationary equilibrium, as far as photon storage and emission are concerned, between the molecular photon traps, the cell population, and the external world.
It follows that coherent photon/charge inception from the external world can directly and precisely influence the cell's biopotential, hence its functioning and control, by information input.
Incoherent photon inception, on the other hand, can only grossly affect the cell, such as by heating or sporadic effects.
In his "Photon Storage in Biological Systems," Popp points out the master cellular communication and control system as follows:
"The photons which we have measured can be seen as a sort of "waste" from a virtual electromagnetic field with a high coherence. This field has a tendency to become stationary over the whole organism."
After additional analysis, he adds:
" Consequently, biological systems must exhibit 'holographic' properties to an extremely high degree. The successful trials in

finding 'pictures' of various organs in each other organ, such as the ear, the hands, the eyes (acupuncture, iris diagnosis) support these conclusions. Our assumption that the entire genetic information of the DNA is stationarily delocalized over the body in form of genons may be seen as a further striking example. "
"From this we can easily deduce that pattern recognition, as, for example, repair mechanisms and immunity, depends finally on the coherence of the photon field within the body."

Finally, Popp states a most important conclusion:
"...In medicine new aspects have developed, and not only for cancer problems. Diseases in general can possibly be understood in terms of electromagnetic interactions within the organism."

Scalar EM Comment on Popp's Communication System
Popp and his colleagues have produced most important work and results indeed. They only need to add the impact of the zero-summed/multiplied electromagnetics (electrogravitation).
As we cover in this book, the biopotential of the cell is rooted in the nuclei of the atoms of the cell's constituent materials. To be sure, every internal physical structure of the cell correspondingly "levels" and structures the biopotential. The overall cellular communication system is actually the exchange of "leakage" photons - both observable and virtual - throughout the overall biopotential of the organism.
Further, going beyond Popp's work, both the biopotential and the leakage photons have extensive, complex internal substructures. Leakage and intercommunication occurs laterally at all levels of the biopotential, and vertically among cells and substructures.
The master cellular control system's primary electrical conductivity path is not through the electron shells of the atoms, but is through the nuclei-to-nuclei scalar EM "biopotential levels" pathway.
With scalar EM methods, organized signals (signals with specific internal nonzero vector EM waves, but which externally sum to zero vector resultant E and H fields) can be constructed for essentially any specific purpose. This includes "killing" a cancer or leukemia cell, destroying a virus, changing the DNA, etc.
This approach can directly reach and manipulate all immune and repair system functions.
The entire biochemistry and functioning of the cell - including its genetics - is totally engineerable. The Soviets have long known this, and have long since done it.
Further, a specific "charge pattern" of desired specific immunity (antibodies, etc.) can be designed and used to "charge up" the nuclei of the biosystem. This charge is then maintained by the system to provide permanent immunity. Thus one can develop, for example, an "electromagnetic inoculation" for AIDS, one for cancers and leukemias, etc.
Since the cellular control system is holographic, the "charge pattern" of immunity resides in every cell, including the blood cells.
Injecting a drop of blood from a scalarly immunized animal into another non-immune animal carries the scalar EM immunity pattern into the new animal. That charge diffuses throughout the overall biopotential of the organism, and the charge pattern activates the animal's immune system, including causing it to produce antibodies - according to the EM-transferred antibody template.
Antoine Priore demonstrated this effect numerous times. This was one of the great mysteries that confounded the orthodox members of the French Academy of Sciences.
The French Academy did not know of scalar electromagnetics, the cellular biopotential rooted in atomic nuclei of the cellular material, the cytopathogenic effect of mitogenetic radiation from diseased and dying cells, phase conjugation, and phase conjugated electromagnetic healing.
It is little wonder they did not comprehend the operational healing mechanism of the Bordeaux cancer-curing machine of Antoine Priore!

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Risposta da atima al topic EXTRAORDINARY BIOLOGY
Reversing the Kaznacheyev Effect



By now, how one goes about developing a electromagnetic cure for AIDS - and for cancer and other killer diseases - should be apparent.
One must set up a modern research laboratory and assemble as many of the "dirty dozen" together as is possible. One then tackles the problem head-on, adding the necessary support staff and special consultants.
First the Kaznacheyev effect for AIDS must be isolated and determined. Then it must be reversed, to yield the precise "curative" signal.
Transforms for these Kaznacheyev IR/UV "death photons" and their phase conjugated "healing photons" must be obtained for a lower electromagnetic frequency band - such as, say, 10 to 20 gigahertz.
A way must be found to irradiate the whole human body with the curative signal. The ideal way is to utilize a scalar EM curative transform so that the atomic nuclei of the body - and hence its entire master cellular control system and immune control system - will be "charged up" with the correctly structured "AIDS cancellation message."
The entire procedure and apparatus must be as simple and small as possible. My colleagues have already achieved very promising - even remarkable - progress in this respect.

Reversing the Kaznacheyev Effect
The "Kaznacheyev effect" for AIDS virus condition must be stimulated between cell cultures, so that the disease condition is electromagnetically transferred from one to another. The actual electromagnetic "delta" constituting the contribution of the AIDS infection must then be isolated electronically. The best way to do this is probably to subtract the normal cell radiation pattern from the "cell plus AIDS" radiation pattern.*
With the "AIDS delta" determined, the delta is then fed into the appropriate phase conjugating mirror system, so that its time reversed replica is produced.
The new phase conjugated signal is then the required AIDS reversal signal to reverse the effects of the AIDS virus itself, inside the cell where it resides dormant. This " time-reversed" signal will reverse the genetic change in the cell, not just kill the HIV virus.
In a crude way, one is making an electromagnetic anti-virus.
For ease of development and treatment, microwave technology is most attractive. Obtaining transforms of the signals in the radar band is ideal, since a wide variety of techniques, instruments, and electronic parts are available for that region. Millimeter waves would be most attractive, for the equipment could then be highly miniaturized.
One can regard it another way also: energy forms (critters) are involved. The action of the AIDS virus in its host cell, upon the DNA of the host, is underlaid by manipulation of energy critters. If one makes the electromagnetic anti-virus form, one is also manipulating the energy critters in their virtual state substrata.
The net result is that essentially the virus pattern - even the virus itself - can be phase conjugated by the energy critters. The result can be to turn the actual virus in the cell into a negative virus, accomplishing recombinant DNA procedures in reverse.
Remember that the signal we seek to use involves negative energy and negative time. We are also engineering the virtual state directly. The ordinary positive energy/positive time/ observable state rules and limitations do not necessarily apply. And the "fixed form" first order physical reality as we normally conceive it need not

*Procedures along the lines of the extraordinary double-exposure holographic work of Dr. Robert Powell will probably be necessary . His work on biologically significant spatial frequency spectroscopy has blazed the trail as to how to obtain the specific delta patterns desired. It is hoped that Powell will shortly publish the remarkable results of his 15 years' work.

be so fixed at all.
Physical reality itself can be directly engineered.
The engineering we seek to accomplish is directly upon the probability states propagated by the Schroedinger equation, before observation and collapse of the wave function occurs. We seek to engineer physical reality before it is born, while it is yet forming.
Only at such a level can the previous action of the AIDS virus - that in which it combined its genetic material with the genetic material of the host cell - be reversed and undone.
Only at such a level can we convert the infected human body from an "AIDS virus factory" back to an uninfected normal human body without AIDS.

The Proof: Priore's Work
Antoine Priore's pioneering work largely proves that it can be done. Cancers, leukemias, and many other virulent diseases yielded to his phase conjugated signals passed down through a powerful magnetic field to totally penetrate every cell in the treated patient's body.
And Royal R. Rife's work proved that a virus and a bacterium are not at all the "rigidly fixed" physical forms that our normal science has led us to believe they are. Instead, both the organisms and their biochemical and genetic actions can be addressed - and changed - on a much finer level of reality.
Of course, it would be enormously helpful if one had a working Rife microscope.
My colleagues are attempting to rebuild one of the original Rife microscopes, which has parts that were missing from it. They have every hope of having the microscope in action in the future.
Another angle of attack is also possible.
One of my colleagues has discovered a very peculiar, weak electromagnetic signal that will kill viruses, harmful bacteria, toxic protozoa, etc. but not harm living human cells. Only a few volts and a few milliamps are used.
However, there exists a major problem in getting any such very weak signal into every cell in the body -which is required if one is to heal blood diseases such as AIDS and leukemia. After all, that was the reason that Priore utilized a powerful magnetic field of thou sands of gauss. The magnetic field penetrated every cell in the body - even those in the bone marrow where all the blood cells are manufactured. By using the all-penetrating field as the carrier, the phase conjugated healing signal pattern could thus be introduced into every cell in the body, bathing it completely, inside and out, with the restorative signal.
Remember, one must not just get the signal into the cells themselves - instead, one must get the restorative signals directly into, and absorbed in, the atomic nuclei.
Again, that is why Antoine Priore found it necessary to employ a "rippling" magnetic field. The "ripple" was actually a magnetic wave, and nuclear resonance then provided the magic mechanism to penetrate all the atomic nuclei.
So the initial problem is, how does one provide a mechanism to carry the desired signals into and through each and every cell of the body and into each and every atomic nucleus of the matter of the body?
Obviously one can utilize nuclear magnetic resonance, after the fashion of Priore. If so, the resulting apparatus is going to be extremely large and expensive. It would be highly desirable to do it a different, simpler, much cheaper way.
. After many hundreds of back-breaking experiments, one of my colleagues appears to have discovered a completely unique and direct way of introducing the desired EM restorative signals into and completely through every cell of the body, and into every atomic nucleus. Though much additional work to confirm this still remains, the initial results are marvelously encouraging.
Another colleague has succeeded in developing a peculiar sort of detector that should prove adaptable to detecting the actual "biopotential structural patterns" themselves, directly in and out of the atomic nuclei. Though obviously much more work is necessary before the final instrumentation is ready, the preliminary results are again most encouraging.
As I write these words on paper, this work is proceeding, but very, very slowly due to lack of the necessary funds to attack the research problems in force.

What is Needed
Time is running out - most conventional science appears to be driven by special interest groups/drug Manufacturers who are unable and/or unwilling to counter the AIDS epidemic with anything other than extensive "Addict Style" symptom-reducing drugs that generate dollars, not cures. Though this is not universal, it is the conventional norm.
Unconventional disorders or diseases require unconventional science for unconventional cures.
Immediate funding is required if this awesome threat to humanity is to be stopped. An American public alerted in time to this desperate situation can demand that the government and/or private business immediately address and act on this life-threatening issue in a different, unconventional manner.

Encouraging Preliminary Work
One of my associates, already familiar with scalar EM devices, has exerted every effort to try to reduce the scope of the problem. In literally hundreds of experiments, he has been able to narrow down the search, and obtain at least some very promising results.
He has obtained an initial candidate phase conjugated signal for further test and trial.
He may well have succeeded in discovering a new and unique method to communicate signals directly into the atomic nuclei inside the matter - in the human body. This signal presently appears to directly interact with the cellular biopotential and with the body's master cellular communication system.
Remember, however, these are preliminary results. They still must be fully substantiated in a great many more tests. Undoubtedly a great deal more research, analysis, and adaptation is necessary. We certainly cannot presently say we have any sort of "cure" - for the AIDS virus or anything else - or that these results are to be considered as proven in any fashion.
But what we can say is that my colleague has been able to derive a very complicated phase-conjugated signal, which produces negative energy and negative time of the general sort required. And he may just have made a most marvelous discovery that will point the way to eventual equipment much, much smaller than the 4-stories high machine with which Priore intended to treat terminal human cancer patients.
The initial signal discovered by my colleague, when applied to the body at miniscule voltage, seems to zap all sorts of "bad things" - viruses, harmful bacteria, dangerous protozoa, microworms, you name it - without harming the blood cells, the normal body cells, or the hosted friendly bacteria.
The signal does this at miniscule voltage and amperage.
It can be applied directly to the body through special electrodes. Through a special feature, my colleague has been able to get the signal to reverberate the entire body, all cells, all parts, and even penetrate the atomic nuclei and establish scalar resonance therein.
There turned out to be some extremely strange things that have to be done to the phase conjugated signal before it will accomplish what is being sought. At least some of these "strange things" have been uncovered by my colleague.
One of the peculiarities is that the entire electrical apparatus is part of the input "form" (that conditions the potential wave structure) being phase conjugated and sent to the organism. If a lead-acid battery is included in the apparatus to power it, one will inject the electromagnetic form for the battery acid directly into the organism,* destroying it. This includes destroying the host's cells. In this case the signal is lethal, not curative. Substitution of a dry cell battery with no liquid electrolyte eliminates the problem. Exactly why a liquid electrolyte has a toxic effect and a "sludge" or solid electrolyte does not, is not understood at this time.
Other such anomalies in the tentative process have been discovered and compensated for.
However, the way ahead is exciting. It suggests that the body (atomic nuclei)

*Via a mechanism similar to that found by Reid and Barsamian.

can literally be "charged up" (i.e., the living biopotentials can be "charged up" with the signal structure) so that the "disease-proofing" is very lasting, possibly for many years or even for a lifetime.
At least my colleague has pressed this to the point of demonstrating a long-lasting charge being acquired by the body.
For example, at one time his body became so "charged" from his lengthy experiments that a one-inch blue spark often leaped from his fingers when he reached out for something metallic. The discharge was cool, negative energy - living energy, if you will. It should be negentropic, not entropic. It was definitely not the type of energy the orthodox scientific community is accustomed to. And normal electricity will definitely not charge up the body in such a continuing fashion, so far as is known.
Let me clearly state again that we have not yet produced the specific anti-pattern per se. What my colleagues have discovered appears to be a broad-band signal that appears to act hyperspatially, analogous to the manner in which a broad-band drug such as penicillin acts biochemically. Even this much remains to be clearly established.
However, it is a most encouraging and promising first step.
Much more work, and a great deal of experiments to substantiate or adapt these tentative results, still need to be done. Now there is no substitute for rigor and thoroughness - and there is no substitute for clearly and scientifically demonstrating the proof of the concept in the laboratory .
It is not just good intentions that we seek, but solid, concrete, proven results substantiated by proper scientific procedures. Much work remains to be done.
But the preliminary results are very encouraging indeed.
Let me briefly share with you some of the things we foresee, if this present line of successful development continues.
We foresee being able to eventually develop and set up - legally and under proper medical auspices, of course - tested and proven devices that can easily treat up to two or three hundred persons at once. A treatment of about 45 minutes to one hour is all that would be required. Several repetitive treatments a week or so apart, might prove advisory .
In addition, once the entire gamut of the treatment process is validated and proven, and shown to be completely harmless and safe in accordance with legal medical requirements, if need arises we foresee simply adding the signal to ordinary radio and television transmitters - perhaps as simply as modulating the electrical ground. If so, a "maintenance" signal could be established to negate the AIDS virus (or other disease such as cancer and leukemia) in an entire area, and keep out other diseases such as malaria, sleeping sickness, etc.
Another advantage of such machines would be their portability in time of conflict. Also, they would be most useful indeed as defensive measures against biological warfare. For example, the inhalation of only a relative minor amount of anthrax agent is sufficient for 100 percent certain death unless treatment begins promptly. With the portable machines, however, this would be easily negated in any troops exposed to the agent, even before the lethal disease is evidenced. For a totally new agent, a "phase-conjugate delta signal" could be rather quickly ascertained and developed, and the proper settings made on the machines for immediate treatment and immunizing.
And even later, when we proceed to the direct engineering of the living energy form strata themselves, we shall see remarkable cures and remissions of diseases for which medical science offers little hope today. Arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and other such debilitating diseases come readily to mind. Even reversal of the aging process should be possible.*

*Two other promising approaches have recently been discovered. First, an electrolyte
compound has recently been approved by the FDA for clinical testing. This compound has the remarkable property of raising the cellular electrical potential back to that of a strong, healthy cell. In several years of lab animal testing, this alone was indicated to be over 80% effective against cancer. It may also prove effective against diseases such as arthritis, where the body's immune system attacks body tissue with lowered cellular potentials, since it fails to recognize the weakened cells as those of the body. Second, Baylor University researchers have found that treating blood with certain laser EM radiation kills the AIDS virus, but does not harm the blood cells. This means that it will be possible to assure that blood used in transfusions will be AIDS-free, eliminating one source of AIDS transmission.

We have now come to the end of our road, literally and figuratively.

All of us have been struck a mortal blow by the Soviet AIDS first strike.
Make no mistake, this is real. We and our children are already as good as dead unless we move as we have never moved before.

We have a chance. A slim chance.

Americans have always come through when the chips are down. We can conquer this thing. We can overcome this mighty death blow that has been launched against us. We can defeat the others yet to come.

But we've got to move. Now.

Remember, Pandora's box has already been spilled. Even without the Soviet biological warfare strike, hosts of new viruses and different strains of old ones are going to be, and are now being, dumped into the biosphere by our own culture. It is also only a matter of time before terrorists and megalomaniacs turn to the use of this potent weapon against a wide-open society such as ours.
Both our Armed Forces and our civilian populace are totally defenseless against electromagnetic biological war- fare. Now. At this moment.
Even without the Soviet BW strike implication, it is only a matter of time until we perish, unless we develop electromagnetic healing and electromagnetic biological warfare countermeasures.
We've come to one of those profound momentary pauses in history that determine the fate of the entire world henceforth.

It's like the parable of the lady or the tiger.

We're facing, so to speak, two doors.

Behind one is the most fearsome and hungry tiger of all time. If we delay, that door will open and we'll get the tiger full upon us. We shall be utterly destroyed. That mighty tiger will consume half the world in his roaring frenzy. Our children, and our children's children - what few of them will be left - will wear the hammer and sickle yoke for eons.
Those few future survivors will be taught strange things. How you and I were the real enemy. How we were absolutely destroyed for the good of all mankind. How glorious and necessary it was to unleash the great plagues upon us. And how heroic were those who performed the "noble deed. "
Our own distant children will curse us and revile us, and they will be taught to worship at the throne of a false prophet.
The world will descend into a new "Dark Ages" far more frightful than George Orwell ever envisioned.
On the other hand, behind the second door is the most beautiful lady of all history. Literally all of humanity's dreams of health, beauty, and vitality lie behind that door .
If we open it, we achieve a freedom from disease and a measure of bountiful health for all mankind that has heretofore only been dreamed of. Even reversal of the aging process itself lies beyond the second door. Health and youth - the dream of the ages - can be ours.
But we have only a moment to open the second door. It is firmly shut, and we must exert ourselves to the fullest if we are to open it at all.
On the human stage, the first door is already slowly opening, inexorably. In only a few moments it will be open and the tiger will be upon us.
We must move quickly.
Which will it be for mankind, the lady or the tiger?
The next few moments in the human play will most assuredly tell.

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9 Anni 1 Settimana fa #39284 da atima
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Largely taken from the author's presentation, "Mechanism for Long-Term Cumulative Biological Effects of EM Radiation," 70th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, University of Alabama at Huntsville, 25 March 1993.

T.E. Bearden
Association of Distinguished American Scientists
POB 1472
Huntsville, Alabama 35807

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Both postulates in the conventional EM bioeffects model are in error, as is the classical electromagnetics model (CEM) itself. Major errors in CEM are presented. The QM view is taken that all EM phenomena are caused by the potentials, not the force fields. Using the Whittaker/Ziolkowski (WZ) internal structure of the scalar potential, Bohm's quantum potential and an engineerable variant of his hidden variable theory emerge. A strong candidate emerges for the internal mechanisms used for mind, thought, long term memory, and deep cellular control by Popp's master cellular control system. An environmental negative feedback mechanism is stated for long-term, cumulative causative mutation, yielding Sheldrake's morphogenetic field, which is a species quantum potential. Utilizing the new EM bioeffects model, Kaznacheyev's demonstration that any cellular death or disease can be caused electromagnetically is explained. A new definition for cancer is advanced, as is a long-term cumulative mechanism that causes it. The mechanism for Priore's demonstrated cures of terminal tumors in laboratory animals under rigorous scientific protocols is explained. A solution for the major cumulative mechanism for biological effects of EM fields and radiation is presented. A self-targeting mechanism is presented whereby complex WZ EM biwave pumping of the "cell as a nonlinear phase conjugate mirror material" produces an exact EM antidote signal for the specific cellular disease. It is argued that inexpensive, quick, nondebilitating, cures can be developed for most major dread diseases, including cancer, arteriosclerosis, and AIDS. Priore's remarkable and previously unexplained cures of terminal tumors in lab animals are cited as examples of applying the new model, albeit unwittingly.

The Basic EM Bioeffects Model Is In Error

As is well-known, the field of EM fields and radiation effects on biological systems is actually in something of a shambles. In over 40 years of studies and experiments by careful researchers, the results are inconsistent, contradictory, and usually difficult or sometimes impossible to replicate. Attempted replications often give contradictory results, erratically. Researchers cannot rigorously answer even the simplest question, such as "Does power line radiation contribute to the incidence of cancer and leukemia, and if so, how and under what circumstances?" Causative mechanisms have so far eluded research. Powerful vested interests fund many of the studies. Consequently a great deal of controversy exists in the field. Opinions and positions range from the ''microwave oven" position that "if it doesn't appreciably heat tissue, it doesn't harm biological organisms," to the "total fear" position that "any and all non­ionizing radiation is harmful; we just don't know by what mechanism." Legal actions to limit human EM radiation exposure are increasingly being initiated by concerned citizens' groups.

What has actually been "proven" by the nearly fruitless EM bioeffects effort to date is that the fundamental EM bioeffects model being utilized by the researchers is totally inadequate for the task intended. If that is true, then 40 more years of continuing to apply the same inadequate model isn't going to make very much additional progress. Further, if the fundamental model is faulted, then what is needed is a detailed examination of the model to discover and correct those foundation faults.

In tackling this model foundations problem, I have performed a systems engineering layout of the fundamental EM bioeffects model, and stated its two major postulates. Both postulates turn out to be in error! Immediately one can easily see why the field is in such a state of confusion. However, no true systems engineer would stop there. I have also performed a systems engineering layout of precise corrections for the two postulates, thereby correcting and extending the model so that it can yield consistent, replicable results and causative mechanisms. All of this is a rigorous procedure, and straightforward systems engineering methodology.

However, the results point to profound changes, which I have been immersed in deeply studying for quite some time. Out of this approach has emerged something quite fundamental: a strong candidate for the internal mechanisms used for mind, thought, long term memory, and the deep cellular control system for all cells of the body. A mechanism for species adaptation also emerges that is quite capable of explaining (and yielding) long-term directed mutation, including the "species jump," where a species such as a bird emerges in short order (not gradually) from a species such as a reptile. The known "species jump" has been a deep mystery to evolution theory, which simply could not explain it. Another thing that has emerged is a startling new electromagnetic causative mechanism for cancer, leukemia, etc. At the June 1993 Brain-Mind Symposium in Los Angeles, I will present that exact mechanism. The mechanism is capable of laboratory test, and validation or falsification. We will also present an entirely new approach to EM effects on biological organisms, and present the major new mechanism involved. The new mechanism has fundamental application to the theory of diseases, and offers potential curative mechanisms for dread diseases such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, and AIDS. I explain some of the necessary background in the following paragraphs.

Classical Electromagnetics is Seriously Flawed

As is well-known, there exist severe contradictions between classical electromagnetics (CEM), general relativity (GR), and quantum mechanics (QM). As presently constructed the three disciplines cannot be unified, even by Herculean efforts. Particularly with respect to the primary causative agents for electromagnetic phenomena, the foundations of QM and of CEM are in profound disagreement. CEM assumes the forcefields as primary causes, paying only lip service to the potentials and treating them as primarily mathematical conveniences. QM, on the other hand, has long since [since 1959] shown that the force fields are simply effects in and on the charged particle system, and are not causes. Instead, QM has shown that the potentials are the primary causes of all EM phenomena. In charged particle systems, potentials can interfere and cause observable EM phenomena such as the Aharonov-Bohm effect in the complete absence of the force fields. Herein lies the reason for the present dire straits of EM bioeffects research. We explain further:

CEM theory was originally formulated by James Clerk Maxwell in terms of quaternions. Note that quaternion algebra has a much higher topology than either vectors or tensors, the mathematics in which CEM is presently expressed. None of the present "Maxwell's equations" _ universally taught as due to Maxwell _ ever appeared in anything by Maxwell himself. Depending upon what you wish to call a fundamental equation, Maxwell's true equations are the numerous quaternion equations included in one almost incomprehensible chapter of his 1873 book. The present four "Maxwell's Equations" are in fact due mostly to Oliver Heaviside, and to a lesser extent to Gibbs and Hertz. The major player was Heaviside, a very brilliant but self-educated man who never attended University.

At the time Maxwell's book was published, Heaviside was just teaching himself calculus and differential equations. Seeing the book, he was electrified by it, and Maxwell became his undying hero. Maxwell died not long after, of stomach cancer.

Heaviside believed _ as did almost every scientist at the time _ in the older medieval tradition that forces were the causes of all physical effects. He had great difficulty with the potentials, stating that they were "mystical and should be murdered from the theory." We know today in modern quantum field theory that forces are effects, not primary causes of anything. In fact, it is the exchange of virtual particles with a mass that generates all forces upon it. As is well­known to foundations physicists today, "force" does not exist without the mass present to be acted upon, and without the action of a potential gradient upon the mass. We know that there are no force fields in the vacuum, and hence potential gradients in the vacuum are not forces, even though they are commonly assumed to be. CEM has not been corrected for these glaring defects: it prescribes force fields in the vacuum, and it prescribes that potential gradients are forces, even in the absence of any mass for the gradients to act upon.

Heaviside also abhorred the quaternion theory. The coupling of a scalar component with three directional components was, in his view, "mixing apples and oranges." He knew that engineers would never master Maxwell's use of quaternion mathematics because of its difficulty. Consequently, Heaviside simply chopped off the scalar component of the quaternion and discarded it, then formulated this new "truncated to a vector" version as a much simpler mathematics, albeit of decreased topology. What he unknowingly threw away was the ability of the quaternion theory to capture an internal deterministic, vectorial EM structure of the scalar potential. [It turns out that he also discarded the unification of EM and gravitation by throwing out the scalar component, but that is outside the scope of my presentation.] Years later as a lonely recluse in a small upstairs apartment, Heaviside turned back to quaternions to work on a theory of gravitation, according to papers found hidden beneath the floor of his study many years after his death.

Learned journals of the day would not accept Heaviside's papers for publication, because of the assumed "brutality" of his mathematical methods. So Heaviside began publishing very practical papers in a technical magazine, for the time roughly equivalent to Scientific American today. These practical papers gave transmission line theory, transformer theory, etc. _ things very useful to the early would-be "engineers" who were struggling with installing telegraph lines, undersea telegraph cables, etc. The vector mathematics utilized by Heaviside was much easier to understand and apply, and his work was eminently practical. Consequently it was eagerly seized upon and applied. The result was that Heaviside's EM model became the ipso facto CEM standard. Note that, at the time, only about 30 or so scientists in the world were truly "learned" in EM _ either from the vector standpoint or from the quaternion standpoint. Further, not much practical work was being done by the few quaternion practitioners.

A short "debate" over whether EM should use Maxwell's quaternion model or the Heaviside/Gibbs vector model occurred prior to the turn of the century, mostly in the journal Nature. It never involved over a handful of scientists, and it wasn't much of a debate. The vectorists simply threw out the quaternion EM theory and adopted the vector theory of Heaviside and Gibbs. Note that this represented a substantial curtailment of Maxwell's actual theory. In other words, you can actually do a lot more in and with EM fields and circuits than what now appears in "modern" EM theory, and "modern" EM analysis won't even show it. Barrett's Oscillator-Shuttle-Circuit analysis of Tesla's actual patented circuits shows this clearly and resoundingly. Also, living systems utilize the discarded subset of EM for their most vital control functions, and the present theory and methodology will not detect or "see " this. Thus this curtailment alone has resulted in the profound crippling of the conventional EM bioeffects model and efforts to apply it.

The Present CEM is a Flawed Subset of Nature's Electromagnetics

So we have several serious things that are quite wrong with current CEM theory. First, the theory (and its practice) are artificially limited to only a subset of the real EM that can be achieved and utilized. The present CEM unwittingly excludes the very type of EM utilized by living systems for their deepest control functions. It also excludes electrogravitation. Second, Maxwell's theory was actually based upon the assumption of a mechanical (material) ether, which meant that he could logically assign material forces to the "vacuum" or "ether fluid." Heaviside's translation (and curtailment) to vectors did not charge this "material ether" and "force field in vacuum" assumption.

However, in 1887 the Michelson-Morley experiment resoundingly destroyed the notion that the ether is material. If the ether were truly a thin material fluid, then forces and EM force fields would indeed exist in it. Since the ether is not material and forces exist only in, on, and of matter, no E-field or B-field exists in the nonmaterial vacuum; none ever has, and none ever will. In his three volumes of physics, Feynman pointed out that only the potential for the EM force fields exists in the vacuum; the only thing that exists in vacuum is potentials, after all! The vacuum is just a fantastic collection of interfering potentials and potential gradients. Rigorously, the E- and B-fields we detect with our instruments exist only in the electron gas in the probes we utilize. This is well-known to a few foundations physicists, but the CEM model has never been corrected for these foundations errors.

Note that the loss of the material ether also falsifies one of the three key assumptions in modern potential theory: the notion that the gradient of the potential comprises a force field. We know today that the CEM equation E = -Ñf, is actually incorrect for the vacuum. It is correctly measured; since that is exactly what is detected when the vacuum Ñf potential gradient couples to the free electrons in our detecting/measuring instruments. What we detect as E, however, is actually [(Ñf · (e-)], or the potential gradient coupled to the electrons, including their masses. Specifically, we do not detect the nonmaterial (VO that actually exists in the vacuum. We detect electron wiggles in the free electron gas in the conductors of our instruments; we do not detect "vacuum wiggles" per se.

Neither Maxwell's quaternion EM equations nor Heaviside's vector EM equations include electron spin effects, but actually model electricity as a "thin fluid." Hence the EM equations of either model are fluid dynamic equations. Specifically, the measured transverse EM waves exist in the electron gas of our detectors; any detector detects only its own internal change, not the external agent that interacted and caused that internal change. White the "signal" races down the conductors in our probes and sensors at essentially the speed of light, the "free" electrons in the electron gas in those conductors are longitudinally restrained. The electrons must essentially move laterally from their initial distribution inside the conductor to its skin, then "slip" slightly down the wire on the skin at only the electron drift velocity, which is a fraction of a centimeter per second. The spinning electrons in the electron gas, being longitudinally restrained, act as gyroscopes. When disturbed by an interacting force, they precess. It follows that the lateral motion of the electrons inside the conductors of our detectors is just this "electron precession." It also follows that the direction of the disturbing force must be at right angles to the electrons' measured transverse precession movement. Rigorously, EM waves in the vacuum thus are longitudinal, not transverse. We measure transverse waves in our detectors and instruments because we are detecting and measuring the electron precession waves in the free electron gas in the conductors of those instruments. But as Tesla pointed out, there are no Hertz waves in the vacuum; instead, EM waves in the vacuum are longitudinal "sound" waves, or waves of rarefaction and compression of the medium. From modern QM we also know what the medium is: it is a flux of virtual particles. Again, as can be seen, the CEM model is seriously in error in its representation of EM waves in the vacuum.

We will not pursue this further; it is well-known to a few physicists in foundations work (but not to most electrical engineers and electrical physicists!) that classical EM theory is seriously flawed, and that it should be upgraded to correct those flaws. As is well-known in QM since 1959, it is the potentials that are the actual causes of all EM phenomena, and the potentials can interfere to cause real EM effects in charged particle systems, even in the absence of the force fields. The Aharonov-Bohm effect is an example, as are several other derivative effects well­established in the literature. What has been ignored even in QM, however, is the organized internal structure of the potential, even though the original (vector) discovery by Stoney occurred in 1897 and was extended by Whittaker in 1903.

This internal structure of the scalar potential had been implicitly present in Maxwell's 1873 quaternion theory, as an integral part of the scalar component of the quaternion resultant of the interaction between two or more quaternions. In quaternions, a scalar entity may be regarded as a special quaternion entity whose translation has been reduced to zero. A vector entity may be regarded as a special quaternion entity all aspects of which are translating, and no nontranslating aspect is present. Thus the scalar quaternion entity may be totally composed of vector components, so long as they sum or multiply to a zero translation resultant but possess a finite nontranslating magnitude.

The Scalar Potential Has an Internal Bidirectional Wave-Pair Structure

In a profound but ignored 1903 paper of enormous consequences, E.T. Whittaker decomposed the scalar EM potential into a harmonic set of bidirectional wave pairs, extending the original 1897 work of Stoney. Each wave pair consists of a wave and its phase conjugate replica (its "anti-wave" or "time-reversed twin".). Thus the scalar potential has a rich internal biwave structure. [Further, one can make a scalar potential by simply assembling the necessary multiple waves, and one can alter the internal structure of the potential at will by altering the waves utilized in the assembly process.] In 1904 Whittaker published a formidable second paper, showing that all of CEM could readily be replaced by scalar potential (hidden multi-wave) interferometry. In other words, scalar EM is far more basic and extensive than is the present CEM with its emphasis upon the force fields.

E.g., you can alter the internal structure of the Schroedinger potential, and place deterministic biwave "hidden variables" inside. You can then "engineer" these hidden variables _ and consequently the Schroedinger potential _ by external means. In other words, you can even accomplish at least limited engineering of quantum change itself. This of course reduces the Gibbs statistics (which assumes a totally random quantum change) to a special case, and provides a more general case of chaotic quantum change, which is still statistical but may contain hidden order. Note that this statement is experimentally testable. It also resolves the greatest problem in quantum mechanics today: the problem of the missing chaos (hidden order).

In 1989 Ignatovich placed a paper in the American Journal of Physics pointing out a similar internal biwave structure of the Schroedinger potential, but none of our scientists seems to have realized the profound implications. If we apply these proven mathematical extensions of electromagnetics, we are now dealing with a higher topology hidden variable theory, along the lines shown by Bohm, but one that is engineerable on the lab bench.

Ziolkowski's Extension Allows Hyperspatial Communication

In 1985, a brilliant EM scientist named Ziolkowski independently rediscovered Whittaker's internal biwave harmonic decomposition of the scalar potential. He also extended the "internal structure" theory, to encompass not only the sum set but also the product set. Since the product of waves represents modulation, Ziolkowski's brilliant work provides the setting for direct information communication capability in the internal structuring of the scalar EM potential.

Further, this internal channel is in the virtual state, so one is accomplishing virtual state engineering, in the sense of the vacuum engineering posed by Nobelian Lee. If one uses a 4­space Minkowski model, the Whittaker/Ziolkowski channel information may be viewed as subspace communications. If one utilizes an n-space Kaluza-Klein model, where n is greater than 4, then the Whittaker/Ziolkowski channel information may be viewed as hyperspace communications. Living systems already use this inner EM channel.

Living Systems Use the Internal Channel Communication

It turns out that living systems utilize precisely the Whittaker/Ziolkowski (W/Z) mechanism for their deepest functions and control systems _ including mind, thought, long-term memory, and the master cellular control system (MCCS) discovered by Dr. Popp of Germany. What we are stating is that, for the very first time, we now know where and how the mind's "deepest software" is, its fundamental mechanism, and how to go about programming it directly. However, we first must develop new measurement instruments.

Unfortunately, present EM instruments are almost all only "electron-wiggle" detectors; they detect only the translation of electrons. A gradient in the potential will couple to electrons and translate them. The gradient-free potential does not translate electrons, and it is the internal biwave W/Z structure of that gradient-free potential that we need to measure. Presently no known instrumentation will do that.

However, if two different scalar potentials are interfered [Whittaker 1904], their interference reproduces potential gradients [normal "force field" EM], which do couple to electrons and translate them. In fact, potential gradients (which in CEM are erroneously called "force fields") were already shown by Whittaker to be entirely due to the interferometry of two scalar potentials. So new "scalar interferometry" instruments must be developed to "outfold" the internal contents of the scalar potential as gradients, and then utilize normal instrumentation to measure those interference gradients and calculate the potential's internal structuring. One form for the detector is the use of a standard potential (with a known internal biwave structure) inside a Faraday-shielded chamber, so that the test gradient-free potential (which penetrates such a cage) interferes with the standard potential inside the cage to produce gradients therein. A probe in the interference zone detects the gradients as electron translations, which are conducted externally to amplifiers, meters, spectrum analyzers, computer programs, etc. The end result is the determination of the internal WZ structure of the test potential. Other detector types are possible; this is just a "straightforward" type.

Thoughts, Mind, Memory, and Cellular Control Are Measurable

What we are saying is that, by developing the proper instrumentation, it is possible to directly detect and examine thoughts, memory, and deep control system functioning of the biological organism, including the deep internalistics of its personal quantum potential. We are speaking of the pending emergence of an experimental science, not just a speculation.

However, we are dealing now with a form of "hidden variable" theory, but one that is engineerable and testable. So we will become directly involved with Bohm's quantum potential, both experimentally and theoretically. A quantum potential can connect widely separated systems by instantaneous effects, as if the systems were not separated but were located together as a single system. Further, the quantum potential does not have a single localized source. Suffice it to say that in 1991 I published the discovery of how a quantum potential is actually created. If one utilizes the proven "self-targeting" or iterative phase conjugate shooting mechanism from the Strategic Defense Initiative, and applies it to the WZ waves internal to the scalar EM potentials from two separated charges, then in a dense signal environment the self­targeting interaction may be initiated, so that the separate potentials merge into a single nonlocalized or "spread-out" potential consisting of laser-like beams between the charged particles comprising the separated systems involved. In that case, part or all of any EM change in one system is immediately experienced in the other systems participating in the effect. The communication is superluminal. The limitation to luminal velocity applies only to the "surface gradient" of a potential, not necessarily to the bidirectional waves in its WZ internal structure. Those internal waves are in either hyperspace or subspace, depending upon whether one models the situation in more than four dimensions or in only four.

The point is, the quantum potential also has a W/Z internal structure. And that structure can be deliberately created and engineered by external means. Action at a distance is not only possible but engineerable.

Living Systems and Quantum Potentials

It turns out that the living organism utilizes a quantum potential _ a special scalar potential connecting all its internal atomic nuclei _ for its volition, deep control, and mind and thought processes and operations. This can even be taken as a flat definition of a living system. A living system utilizes internal WZ structuring of this scalar potential connecting all the atoms (nuclei) of its body mass, for its deepest control processes. Any system not having or doing this is not a living system. This also resolves the age-old philosophical question of how mental intent cm cause physical response, but that is beyond the scope of my presentation. It also explains why viruses can be precipitated out of solution as a crystal, and the crystal stored for decades. Then when the crystal is redissolved, the individual viruses separate and resume their "living" state. Suspended animation of the viruses results when their physical matter and its quantum potential remain intact, and the stored WZ structures in the quantum potentials on the atomic nuclei of that matter remain the same.

It further turns out that the species itself has a much weaker (at a deeper level topologically) quantum potential connecting all its members (all the atomic nuclei in their bodies). This corresponds to Sheldrake's morphogenetic field _ that field is just a species quantum potential. Jung's collective unconscious, e.g., can be directly expressed in this model scientifically and testably _ but again that is beyond the scope of this presentation.

Newton's Third Law Requires Forces to Occur in Oppositive Pairs

Newton's third law is a sleeping tiger, with surprising implications when awakened and explored. For example, it rigorously requires that forces (including EM forces) must occur in oppositive pairs, This alone falsifies the CEM notion that oscillating "singular-force" electric and magnetic waves appear in either a material ether or physical matter. At least two waves must exist, the wave and its oppositive or antiwave. Further, the wave and antiwave must be intimately coupled. Heretofore the antiwave has simply been ignored, or when anyone pointed out that it was present in our detectors, it was just considered to be "Newton's third law reaction wave." "Newton's third law" was just mysteriously invoked, as if it had no causative mechanism. Yet in quantum field theory the cause of all forces is the absorption or emission of virtual particles. The cause of all mechanical and electromagnetic forces is the absorption or emission of virtual photons. So Newton's third law for mechanical and electromagnetic reactions must also be due to the exchange of virtual photons. In other words, there was an extra half of the "something" in the vacuum that interacted with our detectors and gave us the "free electron gas's transverse precession waves. That "extra half' was exactly equal and opposite, and interacted in the atomic nuclei of the conductors and the mass of the instrument to give a set of physical Newtonian recoils. That half is equal and opposite to the half we actually recognized. The point is, equal and opposite forces actually interacted with our instrument. Thus a stress wave interacted with it, not a unitary oscillating wave.

What occurs in vacuum must be a stress wave, not a unitary force field wave. In short, as stated (but not elaborated) by Feynman, it is a potential wave, or an oscillation in the potential gradients and magnitudes, not the force fields. Since in modern theory force is an effect and not a cause, we interpret and extend Newton's third law to state that the causes of all forces must occur in oppositive pairs also. Thus the cause of an EM force field must be the interaction of two scalar potentials _ just as Whittaker's 1904 paper proves.

In quantum field theory any mechanical or EM force is caused on a mass by absorption and emission of virtual photons. Accordingly, let us examine the smallest possible EM or mechanical "force" _ that one caused by the absorption of a single virtual photon. Newton's third law requires that two photons (the causes) must occur, not one. Further, in all cases, the one must be the exact antiparallel to the other. The only thing always meeting that condition for a photon is its exact antiphoton _ its time-reversed, phase conjugate replica twin. But a phase conjugate replica photon must also superpose spatially with its parent photon _ that's what phase conjugate replicas normally do, according to the distortion correction theorem of nonlinear phase conjugate optics. Thus instead of the conventional "single photon" interaction, the actual vacuum entity engaged in the interaction with an atom is a coupled photon/antiphoton pair. A coupled photon/antiphoton pair has spin-2, hence is a graviton.

Gravitons and Graviton Interaction

So arguably "photon interaction" has been graviton interaction all along. In the interaction with an atom, the graviton splits into a photon and an antiphoton. The photon usually interacts with the electron shells, being absorbed by an electron to raise its energy level, then re-emitted and scattered outward from the atom. This absorption and scattering of photons _ containing their components of energy and time _ from the electron shells of the atom creates movement of the atom through external observer time. The photon interaction between a mass and its environment creates the forward flow of time for that atom and its seemingly entropic external (photon interaction created) universe.

The antiphoton half of the graviton is time-reversed, which we see as spatially reversed. Consequently we see it move in the opposite direction to its externally-directed photon twin. So the antiphoton focuses inward and interacts with the atomic nucleus, providing the Newtonian third law recoil of the atom. The blithe assumption of an "automatic" third law reaction force has always concealed the fact that the so-called photon interaction is actually a graviton interaction. Further, the positive charge of the atomic nucleus is due to the time reversal interactions of antiphotons with the nucleons, which reverses the charge from that of the negatively charged electrons in the atom's electron shells.

Proof: Excising the Antiphoton Violates Newton's Third Law

This graviton interaction hypothesis is testable. Note that, if the hypothesis is correct, then when an atom or mass emits antiphotons or antiwaves (phase conjugate photons or phase conjugate replica waves), it means that the inward-burrowing antiphotons have been "tricked" into coming out of the atom instead, so they can comprise the time-reversed wave. If they come outward instead of going inward when they split from the parent gravitons, they do not interact with the nuclei to cause their recoil. In that case, there would be no recoil. And indeed, so it is. In a phase conjugate mirror material, the mirror does not recoil when it emits a phase conjugate replica wave, even a powerful one due to powerful pumping. This is not true when the mirror material emits a pseudo-conjugate wave. A pseudo-conjugate mirror, e.g., emits an ordinary ''time-forward" wave with a distorted wave front, so that it will "retroreflect" in a manner similar to the phase conjugate replica wave. However, the pseudo-conjugate wave is not a true time-reversed wave. Consequently, the mirror will recoil when it emits the pseudo­conjugate wave, because the antiphotons from the graviton interaction still penetrate to the nucleus and interact there, while the time-forward photons constitute the pseudo-conjugate wave actually emitted. This is experimentally verifiable. Among other things, it establishes that there exist differences between the photon and the antiphoton.

Looking at the photon aspects of this, one realizes that one must be very careful in applying the conventional assumption that the photon and the antiphoton are identically the same. Actually they are not the same "internally." The photon can be thought of as carrying or consisting of (+E)(+t), while the antiphoton can be thought of as carrying or consisting of
(-E)(-t). Thus both have positive spin, but differ in their internal components. The lack of recoil in a phase conjugate mirror that emits a true time-reversed replica wave is already in the literature, though derived by statistical quantum mechanical arguments. It has also been pointed out by other physicists that all measurement/detection is actually binary, but that the "internal energy" half is almost always ignored [it's just considered to be "Newton's law", automatically revoked, and swept away in that euphemism.].

Graviton Lattice Structure of the Scalar Potential

When we examine the WZ structure of a scalar potential, in each biwave the wave and antiwave are phase conjugates. It follows that the photons in the wave and the antiphotons in the antiwave are phase conjugates also. This means that, as the two waves flow through each other spatially, photon/antiphoton pairs continually couple and uncouple. Hence gravitons continually couple and uncouple. Further, since the wave pair frequencies are phaselocked between pairs, the scalar potential is a phaselocked lattice of statistical (continually forming and unforming) gravitons.

Let us now consider the interactions of an organism with environmental photons as the interactions of the organism with environmental gravitons, and specifically with graviton lattices.

Cumulative Buildup in the Quantum Potential of the Antisignal

If the photon half (of the graviton interactions) in the electron shells of the living body are considered as environment signals/interactions, then precise antisignals or anti-interactions, constituting perfect negative feedback from all of an organism's physical environmental experiences, are experienced in the organism's atomic nuclei. Note that there they have partially affected the internal structuring of the quantum potentials _ both the personal quantum potential and the species quantum potential. The point is, cumulative negative feedbacks (exact phase conjugates) for all the environmental experiences and stresses an organism experiences, build in both the personal QP and the species QP of that organism. A part of the entire species' cumulation of species-common antisignals also exists deep in the quantum potential of the living biological system.

So for any protracted stress experienced by the organism, in its personal QP a coherent cumulative negative countermeasure feedback _ one which by its time-reversed nature would reduce that stress _ continually builds. The phase conjugates of the "well-rounded" or highly varying stresses of multiple types will tend to mostly balance or "zero out." However, a sustained stress of one kind will result in coherent cumulation and increase in the "signal-to­noise ratio" of the amplitude of the antisignal for that particular stress, compared to the amplitude of the average of all the antisignals experienced. This is similar to the case where, in a sea of radar noise, a coherent radar signal were continually present and integrating coherently. Continual coherent integration, of course, results in continual increase of the signal-to-noise ratio for the coherent signal, and eventually it emerges from the "sea of noise" as a discernible [in this case, observable and physical] antisignal.

This "cumulative kindling of antisignals" occurs in both the personal QP and the species QP; however, the species QP is many, many orders of magnitude less than the personal QP. Hence much greater time is required for "kindling" of species changes (evolution) than for kindling individual countering adaptations.

Exercising to get in shape is a simple example of physically stressing the body cells so that the high-level feedback mechanism in the MCCS will kindle appropriate antisignals and order the cells to adjust their functioning in a fashion such that the level of performance being called for can be accomplished more easily, thus reducing the stress level. The adaptive mechanism ordering the adjustment of the body cells is the coherent negative feedback in the personal QP, created from the stress signals from the sustained "workout" exercises. This is a fairly rapid, "high-level" mechanism; many other much slower (and some much faster) feedback reaction mechanisms also exist.

Hypoxia As a Result of Interference With Hydrogen Bonding to Hemoglobin

We now point out the recently discovered water H-bonding effect on the hemoglobin in the blood, where the H-bonding activity increases the ability of the hemoglobin to carry oxygen. Some 60 or 70 water molecules surround the hemoglobin molecule, engaging in extensive H­bonding interactions with it, which substantially increases the hemoglobin's purely chemical ability to bind and transport oxygen. Importantly, contamination of this water in the blood fluid drastically affects this H-bonding benefit, and reduces the hemoglobin's ability to carry the extra oxygen. Thus contamination of the internal blood fluid by chemicals, agricultural pesticides, smoke, etc. directly and dramatically lower the oxygen availability to the body's cells, resulting in a continuing "oxygen hungry" state (hypoxia) in most of the body's cells.

It also is now known that H-bond structuring of water is highly dynamic and constantly adaptable, and it possesses a high degree of internal order. A conglomerate of H-bond structures in an area or a volume can be considered an H-bond potential, since the gradient oppositions sum to produce stress potentials. Thus in the H-bonding fluid surrounding the hemoglobin molecule, there exists an H-bond scalar potential, and by Whittaker/Ziolkowski (W/Z) decomposition it has a multi-wave structure. Any and all contamination of the fluid _ including by electromagnetic fields and signals, chemicals, etc. _ alters the H-bonding structuring and hence the internal W/Z structure of the H-bond potential. The end result of adulteration of the H-bonding structure of the blood fluid is a condition of hypoxia induced in the cells of the body due to reduced oxygen transport by the hemoglobin of the red blood cells.

Any single EM signal is the result of the interference of two scalar EM potentials, as shown by Whittaker. It is the result of the interference of the internal EM wave structures of those scalar EM potentials. Multi-signal EM radiation must be regarded as interference of multiple pairs of scalar potentials. These interfering potentials penetrate to the atomic nucleus in the body, and thus interact with the internal personal quantum potential utilized by the body in its deep cellular control. Also this multi-signal EM radiation, no matter how weak, directly interacts with the H­bonding structure of the H-bonding blood fluid. Even single-signal EM radiation still forms oppositive pairings with the weak fields already existing in the body, thus also forming W/Z structured potentials. From the interferences in the body of multiple such potentials and their internal structures, there also are created gradient (force field) interactions upon the blood cells and the hemoglobin. In short, low-level background EM radiation can also interact with the H­bonding of the hemoglobin to seriously lower its oxygen transport capability, just as any other contaminant. The denser the external environment, the greater is the interferometry and the interference with the hydrogen-bonding augmentation of oxygen transport. It follows that, when thrust into a truly dense signal environment, some exposed individuals may receive a "cumulative H-bonding interference dosage" that, when added to their existing prior dosage, is sufficient to result in physical symptoms "ordered" into the cells by the antisignals kindled in their quantum potentials. In the recent Gulf War, many Americans were suddenly thrust into one of the densest EM signals environment in history. Shortly after returning from that ultrashort conflict, many of these exposed veterans have experienced delayed health changes presently known as "Gulf War Syndrome." While the military has attempted to portray this syndrome as "stress-induced" emotional' trauma, most of these veterans when tested are found to be emotionally stable. Further, there was much less combat stress on our troops in the Gulf war than in WWII, the Korean War, or the Viet Nam War, as shown by less than 200 combat deaths! Essentially the war was almost a "shooting gallery," and so combat stress is simply not viable as a proposed causative agent for the Gulf War Syndrome.

Chemical, Mechanical, and Electrical Interactions are Electromagnetic Anyway

Indeed, chemistry is largely due to electric charge and charge distribution anyway. So if we view the physical contaminants in the blood view chemically, they are caused by electromagnetic means at root basis. Thus even the "chemical" contaminants interact electrically and via potential (multiwave) interferometry with the H-bonding potential. Further, in quantum field theory, all mechanical forces are due to the exchange of virtual photons, and hence also are electromagnetic at their very basis. The bottom line is that all chemical, mechanical, and electrical interactions are in fact electromagnetically caused. Further, since both the internal and external structures of the potential are engineerable, the mechanical and electrical forces on the mass particles _ and the virtual photon exchanges causing these forces _ are directly engineerable. All of these chemical, mechanical, and electrical interactions in the cells can be affected and even engineered electrically. This is true from the atomic nucleus, to molecules, to material lattices, to human cells, to tissues, and even to the mind and long-term storage templates (internal WZ structured forms in the QP) in the biological organism.

As cam be seen there are many other weaker, direct interactions of "force-field" radiation; however, here we are interested in the interaction of that radiation with the inner structure of the H-bond potential'., to reduce the oxygen transport capability of the hemoglobin. In any case, the total sustained interaction of chemical and physical contaminants and EM fields and radiation can result in a sustained oxygen-deprivation (hypoxia) condition for the body cells, even to a dramatic degree. Further, by graviton interaction, a sustained, cumulated set of antisignals is also automatically generated in the personal quantum potential as a set of negative feedback signals to take corrective actions to alleviate the oxygen depletion condition. Note that the cumulating antisignal condition is general and affects the immune system and its cells as well.

The Example of Smoking

Obviously the tars, particles, and nicotine of the smoke inhaled by the smoker dramatically contaminate the fluid in the smoker's lungs, in the very place where the hemoglobin of the red cells is taking on oxygen. Drastic interference with the H-bond stimulus of the hemoglobin occurs. The result is an immediate and dramatic reduction of the oxygen-transport capability of all the hemoglobin in the red cells as they pass through the contaminated lungs and are exposed to fluid contamination. An immediate oxygen-deprivation condition thus is created in the body. Due to the magnitude of the stressing signal, the major portion of the antisignal is also of substantial magnitude _ hence immediate counteraction orders accumulate in the personal QP, specifically in Popp's master cellular control system. So very rapidly the body has negative feedback countersignals from the central cellular control system, ordering the body to take actions to reduce the cellular need for oxygen. The metabolism is lowered, the body relaxes, and the appetite is suppressed; all counters to the cells' hypoxia condition by lowering the cellular requirement for oxygen.

In spite of heroic "high level antisignal" physical cellular compensations to reduce the use of oxygen, however, the condition of cellular oxygen shortage may still continue, in the case of the smoker or substantial environmental contaminants such as secondary smoke. So in addition to the prompt countersignals, additional much-weaker countersignals are also slowly accumulating in the personal quantum potential's central cellular control system.

Cumulative, Deep, Long-Term Countering Signals

We now need one additional bit of information. In addition to its personal quantum potential, a biological organism also is connected to a species quantum potential joining all the members of its species. This is a much weaker quantum potential; nonetheless, potentials superpose, so one small "part" of the personal quantum potential is actually the species quantum potential _ in other words, Sheldrake's morphogenetic field. Deep within its own personal quantum potential the living system also possesses all the cumulatively ordered steps (species antisignals that were implemented) of its species evolution. With very long coherent cumulation, countersignals can be stimulated in the individual bio-organism's quantum potential _ and in its deep cellular control _ that are counters to the original signals that ordered directed mutation and the primeval evolution of the constituent cells themselves.

In a sustained cellular hypoxia stress environment, the "do whatever is necessary to reduce oxygen usage" countersignals will continue to cumulate from successively deeper levels in the QP over an appreciable time. These continue to slowly "kindle" after the "first high-level antisignal actions" that cumulated past the "noise" (quantum) threshold reached their limits of physical reactions and are still insufficient to resolve the problem. As the hypoxia stress in the cells continues, then much weaker but coherent countersignals that trigger deeper cellular adaptation actions eventually have time to cumulate past the quantum threshold to the observable state. These long-term cumulated antisignals come from much deeper, even from the species quantum potential itself.

These cumulating deep countersignals are phase conjugates _ reversals, or dedifferentiation commands _ of the previous directed mutation signals that ordered evolutionary changes in their predecessor cells in the far distant past. These long-term antisignals thus contain a signal to reverse the original cumulative countersignals in the cellular species potential that caused the cells early ancestral anaerobic cells on earth to change (differentiate) into largely aerobic cells, after the earth's atmosphere acquired significant amounts of oxygen. In short, a deep signal is slowly cumulating that, when it emerges, will order the dedifferentiation of the affected cell back down the evolutionary road toward the anaerobe. The first steps are reductions of centralized cellular control, including growth control.

In other words, under sustained cellular hypoxia a countermeasures signal to the cells, ordering them to dedifferentiate back toward the anaerobic state, is slowly building in the personal quantum potential from a much weaker, lower level "under the common countersignals noise level" all the while. If significant oxygen-deprivation continues for a sufficiently long time, this deep countersignal eventually emerges in Popp's MCCS system in the personal QP, ordering the affected cells to dedifferentiate back toward their anaerobic state. The first step back is to break away from centralized control by the higher organism _ which results in individual "tumerous" or "uncontrolled" cells. From sustained cellular hypoxia there exists a slowly increasing precancerous state, even years before the outbreak of physical cancer. This precancerous state has great influence upon the "single cells" of the organism, which includes the cells of the immune system. Thus the precancerous state is characterized by increasing errors in, and slow weakening of, the immune system. Arthritis and similar debilitating immune system disorders appear to be largely the result of this "precancerous" long-term cumulation.

Note that the most stressed cells in the body automatically provided the greatest magnitude of "negative feedback input." Notice also that the feedback is a phase conjugate replica; it therefore "backtracks" its initiating stress input signal. In short, the degree of feedback antisignal received by a cell or group of cells varies according to the degree of stress they experienced. Thus those cells sustaining the longest and greatest stress get this drastic dedifferentiation countersignal first. E.g., this accounts for the (usual) localization of the resultant tumor in the lungs of a smoker, at least initially. It also accounts for the stress-damage mechanism for such disorders as arthritis.

A New Definition of Cancer

In the new model being advanced, cancer and leukemia are centrally-commanded. final, desperate. "first-step dedifferentiation" adaptive attempts by the stressed. affected cells experiencing sustained oxygen shortage (hypoxia) to reverse their cellular evolution and return to the anaerobic stage of their distant ancestry.

The cause of cancer and leukemia _ and indeed of all diseases _ is electromagnetic in nature, and it can be straightforwardly treated and cured electromagnetically, if one utilizes the extended W/Z aspects of the higher topology EM actually written by James Clerk Maxwell. This statement is based on experimental proof; it is not conjecture. We discuss that proof below.

As we saw, in general the strength of the cumulating countersignal inversely depends on the distance in the body of the affected cells from the source of greatest contaminant stimulation. As the deeper "dedifferentiation" countersignal reaches the quantum threshold in the most affected area, a small group of localized cells located there take the first step back along the "single­anaerobe to single aerobe to multiple aerobe" evolutionary chain. That first dedifferentiation step breaks the cells away from centralized control of the MCCS in the personal quantum potential. Those dedifferentiated cells become independent cells or a small independent cell­groupings. They constitute a tumor, or leukemia if occurring in the blood cells. They simply are no longer under the control of the body's MCCS in the personal quantum potential, even though the body's logistical services (nutrients, oxygen, etc.) continue to be furnished to them.

At this point the tumor becomes an independent cellular organism, living in an environment where its body host continues to furnish its food and oxygen, and its host's immune system cells do not recognize the altered cells as foreigners to be attacked and destroyed. Consequently there is no "large organism" central control of the tumor's growth, and the tumor cells divide and multiply apace. This loss of centralized growth control and the resulting unchecked cellular division and replication is in fact recognized by scientists as the major distinguishing characteristic of cancer and leukemia. With central control lost, groups of cancer cells or individual cancer cells may break away and travel to other locations in the body via body circulation systems. This results in metastasis, the spread of the cancer to other sites in the body, where they continue to be recognized as "self" by the immune system cells and continue to be supplied with oxygen and nutrients for continued growth.

The Tumor Has Become a Parasite Organization

Think of it this way: In a living body, each cell is already a single, independent, living creature all its own. It even has its own small "personal quantum potential" _ we have argued that that is an a priori condition of being alive. However, each cell in a multicellular organism normally is under a centralized electromagnetic control system (which functions in the organism's higher­level personal quantum potential), so that the organism lives and functions as an overall higher­level unit. If a cell (or group of cells) has separated from this centralized EM control, but is still living and functioning, then obviously the cell is no longer under the whole organism's MCCS and personal quantum potential. However, it still possesses its own control system, and its own personal QP. If the breakaway is by a small group of cells, then they are loosely under a "small group" quantum potential and MCCS as well. That is, they have gone from "large-scale central control" to a "much lower" level of centralized cellular control, accounting for the "tumor as an individual multicellular entity." Nourished by the host body, the new parasitic organism _ the tumor _ grows at an unchecked rate. Again, we argue that the problem is electromagnetic in nature, and it can be "fixed" electromagnetically.

The Cumulative Pre-Cancer State

With this picture of the long-term cumulative causative mechanism for cancer and leukemia, a far better picture of the pre-cancer state has emerged. The pre-cancer state is a hidden EM change of state comprised of a cellular dedifferentiation order, back down the species' cellular evolution trail, and the magnitude of that change of state is slowly increasing inside the organism's quantum potential. The eventual observable cancer is an actual cellular dedifferentiation due to the localized breaching of the quantum threshold by this cumulating hidden EM dedifferentiation order to move away from centralized control and back toward the anaerobic cellular state.

Becker's Profound Experiments

It has already been experimentally shown that very minute amounts of direct electrical currents, e.g., can cause cellular dedifferentiation and redifferentiation. In breathtaking work of Nobelian quality, Becker has proven that even picoamperes of localized electrical current are sufficient to cause cellular dedifferentiation and redifferentiation, even repetitively. Incredibly, he proved that this was true for red blood cells, which first dedifferentiated to more primitive cells, the redifferentiated to precursors of cartilage cells, then redifferentiated to bone cells in a "bone fracture" area and healed the bone fracture. Since picoamperes can be generated by the cumulative countersignal mechanism (via Whittaker scalar interferometry), directly affecting the MCCS and the cells as well, then the connection between scalar potentials/potential interferometry and dedifferentiation mechanisms assumed to be involved in cancer and leukemia essentially follows from interpretation of Becker's pioneering work. To further strengthen the assumption, Hsue has recently (1993) shown that a DC voltage is in fact equivalent to two bidirectional EM traveling waves _ which directly indicates a WZ type implication in Becker's profound work itself. Thus Becker actually utilized a hidden, bidirectional WZ wave structure inside the voltage gradient between his electrodes in his DC current dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of blood cells. He conclusively demonstrated that cellular dedifferentiation and redifferentiation _ both of them genetic changes _ can in fact be caused by such an internal biwave EM structure of a steady, persistent scalar potential gradient. Further, he demonstrated that these El~-induced cellular genetic changes can be self-targeted toward reversal of the specific damage condition, even though several successive genetic changes may be necessary m reach the ultimate cellular genetic form required for healing.

Pre-Cancer State and Prognosis For Treatment Effectiveness

To summarize, whenever a cancer or leukemia detectably exists, regardless of the cancer site, a pre-cancer state also exists in the remainder of the body, and the immune system is affected generally. Further, this pre-cancer state pre-existed the actual emergence of the tumor itself. The new EM bioeffects model also sheds light on the probable effectiveness of conventional treatment, and probability for a ''cure" that lasts for the rest of the patient's life.

If the cumulative countersignal slowly kindling in the remaining pre-cancer state is sufficiently below the quantum threshold, then conventional treatment of the cancer _ such as excision _ can eliminate the tumor, and no other tumors may then develop before the normal physical death of the body, even though slow increase of the pre-cancer state continues. In other words, in that case the cumulative antisignals in the pre-cancer state locations other than the original cancer site never reach the quantum threshold prior to the natural death of the patient. On the other hand, if the cumulating antisignals in the pre-cancer state generally are very close to the quantum threshold, then recurrence of the tumor is highly likely. In the first case the curative prognosis is excellent; in the second case it is poor.

Also, we point out that many present treatments (such as nuclear radiation) themselves cause significant stress on the body and its cells and further deterioration of the immune system. They also generate an additional "antisignals" level in the personal quantum potential, resulting in an actual increase in the level of the pre-cancer state in the organism. If the combination of the pre-cancer state at time of treatment, plus the increase in the pre-cancer state due to treatment, is sufficient to breach the quantum level, then that treatment will prove to be of little or no avail to the patient. The tumorous condition will recur, and sometimes massively (the tumor metastasizes), regardless of whether further treatment is given or not. In that case the patient will die, unless somehow the pre-cancer state is lowered, the tumor cells are reverted back to centralized cellular control, and the immune system is restored to effective functioning so that excess cells are eliminated. Presently there is no conventional treatment that is capable of accomplishing the three requirements for a desperately ill patient's recovery from the "terminal" cancer condition.

Seeking the Complete Cancer Cure

From the new EM definition of cancer and leukemia and the new cumulative causative mechanism, one can see just how severely limited are the present medical weapons against this dread disease. It follows that, if the cause is totally electromagnetic, then a totally effective treatment can only be sought as an electromagnetic therapy. Since the EM cause is in an extended EM domain, then axiomatically a totally effective treatment can only be sought in the same extended EM domain.

The complete cure for cancer and leukemia, of course, would be to completely neutralize or "zero-out" the patient's cumulative Whittaker/Ziolkowski countersignal buildup in the MCCS/personal QP. This can be done prior to the cumulation reaching the overt physical disease stage, or after it has already reached that stage. It can readily be done electromagnetically, using the multi-biwave tailored EM and self-targeting to provide an exact counter-countersignal (or antidote signal) to the cumulation signal itself. This is a scientific fact and it has been rigorously proven, although the methodology could not heretofore be technically explained and understood.

Priore's Cure of Terminal Tumors and Other Diseases

Such a total cancer-curative procedure was repeatedly demonstrated in live animal experiments in the late 1960s and early 1970s by Antoine Priore in France, under rigorous scientific protocols and supervision by eminent French scientists [such as Robert Courrier, head of the Biology Section of the French Academy of Science, and Secretaire Perpetuel of the Academy at the time]. The advantage of the Priore type approach was that it rapidly reversed the dedifferentiation away from centralized control of the affected (tumor) cells. The tumorous cells simply redifferentiated back to normal cells under centralized control of the MCCS/personal QP. (If too numerous because of the tumor's growth prior to its redifferentiation, normal body mechanisms absorb and dispose of the excess cells). Further, such treatment removed all the pre-cancerous state from the rest of the body, preventing recurrence or spread of the tumor. It is the only "total cure" for cancer, including the cumulated pre-cancer state, that has ever been scientifically demonstrated. And lastly, it accomplished these results without severe trauma to the body or further trauma to the immune system. Indeed, the exact opposite was the case.

Working with Priore, the eminent French scientist Pautrizel showed that the Priore treatment restored and stimulated the immune system back to its robust normal functioning, as would be predicted by the present model we are proposing.

Scientists at the Time Did Not Have the Necessary Knowledge for Understanding

It is a great tragedy that the active mechanism of the Priore device was not understood _ even by Priore himself and even by very knowledgeable physicists assigned to the program to try to ascertain the machine's mechanism. The phase conjugate or "time-reversed" EM wave was unknown until it was discovered in the open Soviet literature in 1972. Almost all of our knowledge of such waves dates from that time. In the same year, two Soviet scientists briefed American scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on optical phase conjugation. Thereafter, some American scientists began intense work on optical phase conjugation.

However, the time-reversed wave is a solution to the wave equation and applies to all kinds of waves, not just EM. Phase conjugation of sound waves, e.g., is readily accomplished. The time-reversed wave solution actually appeared in the scientific literature in 1898 in a paper by Barus, who pointed out that this strange solution "made the wave run backward." But at the time the Priore program's funding was withdrawn by the French government about 1974-75, little or no understanding of the time-reversed EM wave existed as yet in the West, and of course the Whittaker work had always been ignored and was unknown also. Literally, with the technical tools available to them at the time, the French physicists, biologists, and oncologists had no chance at all of fathoming the causative mechanism in the Priore experiments.

Nature of the Priore Treatment

Briefly, Priore mixed some 17 frequencies in a rotating plasma in a giant tube. We know today that one function of the kind of plasma he used is to produce a phase conjugate replica wave, for an input wave. Thus Priore unknowingly achieved coupled wave/antiwave pairs in his device. The output of the plasma tube was then coupled to (modulated upon) a "rippling magnetic field" of appreciable strength. The magnetic field guaranteed penetration of the entire body and every cell in it, carrying its modulated Whittaker/Ziolkowski internal potential structure with it. The "ripple" in the magnetic field guaranteed penetration to the atomic nuclei, and interaction with them, via nuclear magnetic resonance. In turn, unknown to Priore or the scientific team, this guaranteed the interaction of the plasma-produced W/Z structure with the internal W/Z structure of the personal QP joining those atomic nuclei. Thus the Priore approach (1) formed a deliberate counter-counter signal W/Z structure;

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9 Anni 1 Settimana fa #39285 da yagoo40
Risposta da yagoo40 al topic EXTRAORDINARY BIOLOGY
Ah ecco... :whistle:

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9 Anni 1 Settimana fa #39296 da simo
Risposta da simo al topic EXTRAORDINARY BIOLOGY
Eccerto come no!
Non ho nè tempo nè voglia di commentare punto per punto la fantafisica esposta da Atima,mi limito a dire soltanto che il gravitone è una particella IPOTETICA,e che esistono anche altre teorie TUTTE DA VERIFICARE per spiegare il mistero della gravità.
Se IPOTETICAMENTE esistesse un gravitone dovrebbe essere un bosone con massa a riposo 0, tipo il fotone .
Bene,qua non solo lo hanno trovato,ma addirittura lo fanno interagire con l'antimateria,sono dei geni!
Purtroppo il web è pieno di gente che sfrutta le scarse conoscenze per affermare concetti MAI verificati,ma tant'è,vai avanti Atima come vedi hai tutto lo spazio che vuoi,ma per pura curiosità,vorrei sapere chi si è preso la bega di tradurre il tuo post chilometrico e che cos'ha capito.
Ciao Atima e vai di copia incolla ,sei unico!

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9 Anni 1 Settimana fa #39298 da elena
Risposta da elena al topic EXTRAORDINARY BIOLOGY

simo ha scritto: Eccerto come no!
Non ho nè tempo nè voglia di commentare punto per punto la fantafisica esposta da Atima,mi limito a dire soltanto che il gravitone è una particella IPOTETICA,e che esistono anche altre teorie TUTTE DA VERIFICARE per spiegare il mistero della gravità.
Se IPOTETICAMENTE esistesse un gravitone dovrebbe essere un bosone con massa a riposo 0, tipo il fotone .
Bene,qua non solo lo hanno trovato,ma addirittura lo fanno interagire con l'antimateria,sono dei geni!
Purtroppo il web è pieno di gente che sfrutta le scarse conoscenze per affermare concetti MAI verificati,ma tant'è,vai avanti Atima come vedi hai tutto lo spazio che vuoi,ma per pura curiosità,vorrei sapere chi si è preso la bega di tradurre il tuo post chilometrico e che cos'ha capito.
Ciao Atima e vai di copia incolla ,sei unico!

Cara Simo vuoi vivere pericolosamente... A fare certe affermazioni rischi che ti piglino sul serio, specie sul "sei unico" :P
Al prossimo copia incolla potresti ritrovarti un intervento non solo chilometrico ma in cirillico, tanto chi lo posta mica si legge...
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